Fake Seal Flanks Trump; Aide Fired!

Have you heard the one about Donald Trump and the fake seal? No, this is not the start of a limerick and no, we’re not talking about the mammal. The fake presidential seal.
Current Events
During a speech earlier this week for the conservative student group Turning Point USA, ‘The Donald’ took to the stage with all the usual pomp and circumstance — including a projected image of the presidential seal. The only problem is, the seal was a fake.
The actual presidential seal contains the image of a bald eagle holding arrows in its talons. However, the fake depicted a 2-faced eagle holding a set of golf clubs (Can anybody say ‘Mar-a-Lago?’). The image also displayed several Russian sickles (in place of stars) in what was seen as a sarcastic nod to Trump’s alleged connection to the Kremlin.
“We’re sorry for the mix-up and meant no disrespect to the White House or the President or the advance team,” a TPUSA source said. As for the aide who was in charge of projecting the presidential seal behind the Trumpster, well… he was fired!
Oh well… at least he had the last laugh.
Lol..saw this on the news while getting dressed for work this morning and thought to myself: Welp, you have to admit the Fake seal IS the seal most befitting the current occupant of the White House….lol