Comments on: THE FALL OF HELEN THOMAS News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:58:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Wed, 09 Jun 2010 18:44:33 +0000 DJ:“It is a sad and unexpected ending to an impressive career. But is it a correct outcome?”Well_I guess that depends on what you mean by “a correct outcome.”I think it’s the Only realistic “outcome” for her that stops the bleeding (if you will). Her resignation cuts the "news" story coverage short and minimizes further damage to her otherwise highly respected professional REPUTATION which btw right-wing American Zionists would love to see destroyed because she dared to speak out against Israel and FOR the Palestinians. But that’s a whole OTHER story in and of itself so I’ll simply remain on topic.Look. I am in NO WAY condoning Helen’s remarks. She’s well up in age, of Lebanese heritage, HIGHLY opinionated and she made an absolute Offensive and STUPID comment, which btw is typical of many highly opinionated OLD people. And it cost her her career. No doubt, it would have been wiser for her to have retired quite some time ago. But I'm also aware that Helen’s “anti-Semitic” comments could not have come at a better time for American AND Israeli Zionists desperate to DISTRACT the American media and public from all of the HOT-lights of international attention still focusing on Israel’s reprehensible actions against a humanitarian-aid flotilla almost 2 weeks ago. In short: Me thinks the “OUTRAGE" spewing forth from right-wing Zionists is mostly “theater.”
