False Flag Hoaxers Deny Mass Shootings
They love their guns so much that they’re delusional. They distrust facts so much that they’re paranoid toward the obvious. They’re called ‘False Flag’ hoaxers and they’ve convinced themselves that nearly every mass shooting in America is a hoax staged by crisis actors for the sole purpose of taking away their guns.
Current Events
In case you’re unfamiliar, the term ‘False Flag’ refers to a covert operation designed to deceive and disguise the actual source of responsibility. For example, ‘False Flag’ originally referred to pirate ships deceptively flying the flag of a friendly country so as to disguise themselves and prevent their victims from fleeing or preparing for battle. Now, the phrase ‘False Flag’ refers to those who doubt fact and believe that most events are conspiracies staged for some larger cause.
Fox News, Donald Trump, Infowars creator Alex Jones and others of that variety are a prime example of False Flag hoaxers. For example, they each pressed the narrative that Barack Obama was not born in the US despite him petitioning the State of Hawaii to produce a legitimate birth certificate as proof of his citizenship (even with actual proof, they still called the document a fraud and him a “foreign-born” fake president).
Now, these hoaxers have taken on the victims of mass shootings in the US. They have absolutely convinced themselves that NO child died in the Sandy Hook shooting, that NO person was killed in the Las Vegas massacre, and that the Parkland school shooting was a staged event carried out by crisis actors.
Alex Jones is a major popularizer of conspiracy theories and regularly believes that not only are the official accounts of mass shootings elaborate lies, but that everyone on the scene is in on the deception.
In 2013, Jones maintained that Sandy Hook was a “false flag” and that “no one died.” He also claimed that the kids who were supposedly killed were acting for the cameras and that the parents had faked their own children’s’ deaths.
Additionally, The Gateway Pundit, a fringe right-wing website, reported that leaders of the recent March For Our Lives movement are all members of the same drama club. It claimed the students “are being used as political tools by the far left to further anti-Conservative rhetoric and an anti-gun agenda” in an attempt to disarm traditional Anglo-Christian society.
“Behind the teenagers, working as the string-pullers, are the same people behind the Women’s March. They are vehemently anti-gun, anti-American, and anti-Trump – this is part of their sales pitch,” Gateway claimed. “By co-opting theater-trained youth and turning them into celebrities, the left is attempting to brainwash the countless kids who aren’t politically based on their fear of being implicated in a school shooting,” it continued. “There is a lot of heartlessness behind their work.”
Benjamin Kelly, district secretary for GOP Rep. Shawn Harrison of Florida, contacted the Tampa Bay Times to say several students who appeared on television criticizing lawmakers on gun-control laws have previously traveled to other incidents to spread the same rhetoric.
“Both kids in the picture are not [Parkland] students here but actors that travel to various crisis when they happen,” he told a reporter.
However, the Parkland student survivors are perplexed how anyone could be so heartless and accusatory toward a group of kids — particularly kids who are still traumatized from being shot at while watching their friends die in a pool of their own blood.
“I’m not a crisis actor,” Parkland student and shooting survivor David Hogg insisted. “I’m not acting on anybody’s behalf. I’m someone who had to witness this and live through this and I continue to be having to do that.”
Cameron Kasky, another student and survivor added that anyone who saw him in the school’s production of “Fiddler on the Roof” would know that “nobody would pay me to act for anything.”
Sadly, these teens not only have to contend with conservative bottom-feeders questioning their competence but also with people who think they are knowing participants in an elaborate hoax.
Current Events
Regardless of what anyone says, False Flag hoaxers are sure that powerful forces are responsible for routinely arranging staged massacres or terrorist atrocities, then making it appear as if some other individual or group did it, in order to achieve some sinister political goal.
They believe that the government or liberal operatives (such as billionaire Democrat George Soros) frequently stage shootings, then employ actors to play victims, witnesses, and bystanders. They are convinced that America’s gun crisis is not real, but has been manufactured in order to disarm the populace and subject Americans to tyranny.
Could these False Flag believers be onto something? Is it possible that when we see a “mass shooting” such as the event involving Sandy Hook 1st graders, that we’re merely watching a movie staged for propaganda purposes? Or are these folks a bunch of loons who present a clear and present danger to society?
Take a look at the video below of “Side Thorn” and “Conspiracy Granny,” 2 prominent False Flag hoaxers who believe the Texas church shooting that killed 26 never happened. Then take our poll and tell us what you think of this conspiracy theory segment of society.
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Sadly, these teens not only have to contend with conservative bottom-feeders questioning their competence but also with people who think they are knowing participants in an elaborate hoax. […] -DJ
DJ, my man, Thank You for “bringing it” once again. You’ve been highlighting some of the most Evil acts (words and deeds) AND the creatures who commit such Evil acts -plaguing Our country today. Creatures whose vile stories MUST be exposed!
They are mostly nutjobs and craven opportunists, who are woefully ignorant and of very LOW I.Q. They are also as dangerous as they come and WE cannot afford to deny or dismiss the very real THREAT they pose to Us as a people and a nation. Make no mistake about it – the impact of such creatures on Our society can be as deadly as the Ebola virus because there are perhaps millions of (mostly) white Americans who are predisposed to carrying, and spreading, such a deadly disease.
WE must NOT take those creatures lightly. Not now. Not ever.
If the rise of Trump is to be given credit for anything at all…IMO, it would be Just. This:
The covers are finally pulled off of -and the Truth EXPOSED about – SOOO many dark-hearted and dangerous Americans who are absolutely rotten to their core. For example: Americans who are Poseurs, Fakes, Phonies – in every way, shape and form.
Americans who Lie, Cheat AND Steal at the drop of a hat. Comes as natural to them as breathing.
Americans who think nothing of betraying themselves, their families (even their children), and their nation, in a nano-second….for little or nothing at all.
Americans who are proudly ignorant and hateful and couldn’t care less who knows it.
Americans who are SO twisted and SO perverted that they should scare the H*LL outta of ANY sane and civilized Americans with a spec of intelligence.
Americans who DON’T actually give a d*mn about America at all.
Thank you for doing this story DJ. I have been hearing about these people for a while now and it irks me. How anybody can fool themselves into thinking that no shooting has ever been real but is somehow faked is hard to believe. They act like nobody gets shot in this country. But since Trump and Fox and all those are always questioning everything as real it makes sense these dummies would fall in line too. That video was disturbing to watch and I applaud that pastor for having the strength to hold back. I saw him a few times almost lose it and I can tell you a punch would have been thrown if that was me. Like Truth said Trump has brought all the crazies out the woodworks. This country has a lot of lunatics that have been hiding and now we see them.