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There seems to be a family feud brewing within the ranks of the Republican Party, between the elected leader of the GOP Michael Steele and the real “FACE” of the GOP Rush Limbaugh — and it’s a good one.

As an African-American, Michael Steele was elected to supposedly “shake-up” and salvage the fledgling party, drag it into the 21st century, and try to create a more diverse and inclusive party that would appeal to the newly enthused youth voter.  But after a raucous appearance last Saturday before the Conservative Political Action Conference by Rush Limbaugh, it was quite evident there’s a powerful wing of the GOP that is ready, willing, and able to clash with Chairman Steele and his lofty plans.

On a Sunday appearance on CNN Steele was asked if Limbaugh was the real face of the GOP, to which Steele made it clear HE is the leader of the Republican Party and noted Rush Limbaugh is an “entertainer” whose positions are often “incendiary” and “ugly.”  But apparently those were fighting words to Rush and he was to have none of it. So on Monday Limbaugh put on his boxing gloves and brazenly criticized Steele for having the audacity to lambaste the conservative radio talk-show host,  prompting a swift public apology from Steele who clearly doesn’t want to ruffle the feathers of the powerful Limbaugh and his constituents. A tug of war for control of the party is almost certainly in the works, especially from those who may not yet be ready for the African-American Steele to be calling the shots for their Grand Old Party.  Now the stage is being set for what could soon become a very ugly public family feud.  Here is a clip of the comments by Michael Steele and Rush Limbaugh from Round 1 of what is surely more to come.  WATCH:



DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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