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Farewell, Mandela!

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Top News Today –
Farewell, Mandela!
After several days of pomp, circumstance and tribal tradition, Nelson Mandela was laid to rest.

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The anti-Apartheid hero who survived decades of imprisonment, broke the back of South African racism and went on to become the nation’s first black president, was buried yesterday on the grounds of his Qunu ancestral home.

The 10-day send off included remarks and respects from President and Mrs. Obama, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Prince Charles, Oprah Winfrey and a host of dignitaries from around the world.  Here are sights and sounds from the very fitting tribute to the iconic Mandela.

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President Obama speaks in tribute

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Archbishop Desmond Tutu mourns his friend
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Mandela’s eldest grandson, Mandla, keeps vigil over the coffin
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Former wife Winnie Mandela and current wife Graca Machel
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Mandela Family files past the coffin
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Military escort to final services

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Final resting place for Nelson Mandela
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Rest In Peace

OK WASSUP! is your source for the top news today, 
including the funeral celebration for Nelson Mandela.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. This is sad. Nelson Mandela did a lot for the black people of South Africa. The sadness about this situation comes not only because he died but because there may not be any strong people who can pick up from where he left off. And there may be some but they will not stand up and take the reigns.

  2. I'm sorry to say but I find myself in agreement with Steve.

    After all of the sacrifices made..not only by Mandela but by Many others as well…there doesn't seem to be anyone over there right now, who is worth a dime, and willing and able to carry Mandela's vision forward.

    And worse. Absent real leadership, things could very well regress to a degree.

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