Fauci: ‘No Chance’ COVID-19 Will Be Eradicated
What if the coronavirus was here to stay and we were all forced to learn to live with it and deal with it? Well, according to Dr. Fauci, that’s no make-believe nightmare but our actual and expected prognosis.
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In an interview last Saturday with NBC Sports, White House COVID-19 task force standout and director of the National Institutes for Health since 1984 Dr. Anthony Fauci delivered some startling news that most Americans either didn’t hear or didn’t want to hear: the novel coronavirus is here to stay.
“It is so transmissible, and it is so widespread throughout the world, that even if our infections get well-controlled and go down dramatically during the summer, there is virtually no chance it will be eradicated,” Fauci said of the deadly disease. “There will be infections in the Southern Hemisphere, in South Africa, in Argentina, places like that. And with the travel, the global travel, every single day, of literally hundreds of thousands of people coming into the United States every day from all over, there’s no chance we’re going to be virus-free,” he added.
Let that sink in for a moment. Dr. Fauci — the preeminent infectious disease expert in the nation — believes there is “virtually no chance” the coronavirus will be eradicated and “no chance” that we will ever be virus-free.
The good doctor explained that COVID-19 is unlike the SARS virus from 2002 when there were only about 8,000 cases and around 800 deaths due to the virus essentially petering out. No! It’s too widespread, too much of a global disease that went uncontained, and too efficiently transmitted from one person to another, many of whom have no idea they’re even infected and shedding virus.
“Now, even if the virus goes down dramatically in June and July and August, as the virus starts returning in the fall, it would be, in my mind, shame on us if we don’t have in place all of the mechanisms to prevent it from blowing up again,” Fauci said, making clear that the discussion now is about controlling the number of deaths instead of trying to prevent them.
So, just like after 9/11 when the world was forced to make sudden and permanent lifestyle changes such as standing in long airport security lines or having to remove shoes before going through x-ray machines, this is our new and sudden and permanent lifestyle change.
According to Dr. Fauci, we will never get rid of the coronavirus — which means we will have no choice but to create new ways to live with it.
Masks and gloves are almost certainly here to stay. So is the practice of social distancing. Businesses will likely continue allowing employees to work from home instead of gathering the entire workforce in the same location between the hours of 9 to 5. The concept of a large office with cubicles is pretty much dead. Zoom meetings have likely permanently replaced in-person meetings. Vacations will probably return to a “50s-type” mentality when families loaded up the station wagon and drove to a nearby entertainment spot instead of flying to exotic locations around the world. Concerts, plays, sporting events, and other live activities will probably be exclusively streamed over television instead of experienced with thousands of others in a large venue.
So, take it from Dr. Fauci. The entire world changed in March of 2020. The world we once knew is no more. The coronavirus is here to stay. We’re never going back to before.
Human coronaviruses were first identified in the mid-1960s. […] – National Foundation of Infectious Disease
However, as we know, COVID-19 is a new form of the virus. Whether one believes that COVID-19 emerged “in a seafood and poultry market in the Chinese city of Wuhan” OR you believe it became a highly contagious and deadly virus AFTER being manipulated by *someone somewhere* in a Chinese lab who somehow lost control of it….I’m not confident we’ll ever know the truth.
Btw- I actually believe the cause was most likely the latter- it was manipulated and then somehow accidentally got loose. But I digress.
We’re obviously in the thick of the battle and will still continue to be in it for quite some time to come. In short- I’m with Dr. Fauci – and with my own primary care physician for that matter, who shared with me way back in early March that he didn’t see this virus going away anytime soon if ever. His words to me: “I think we’re going to have to learn how to live with it.”
Just a side-thought……..
Soon after it became clear that WE (man-kind) have Never experienced such a highly contagious and deadly viral pandemic like THIS before..I expressed to my family and close friends that I thought this virus is perhaps the most “insidious” virus of them all because it seems to be the most “intelligent” virus of them all.
And I’m shook to my core because I know that, as a society, America AIN’T nearly who WE used to be. One need only look at who sits in the White House to know that WE.Have.Fallen. waaaay down.
No intelligent, informed and proud society would ever have even allowed such a person to get anywhere near the most powerful position in the land…let alone the world.
Most people probably knew this in the back of their mind but it is shocking to hear it. I guess this is going to be like all the other disease we already live with just much worse. But the other thing is we are going to have to get back to living again with the risk. People are starving and don’t know how they are going to pay their bills. A lot more people are going to die too. This is real bad news to read.
Well, what’s too early or too late to reopen? Science says it’s a deferment in mortality. The mortality will happen either way. Now or later, as SARS-Cov2 is not going away. Question is, do we also kill the entire economy while deferring , or begin the 4 phases like here in Cali? We’re in phase 2 here.
Any country loosening restrictions will experience spikes. Whether it’s now, or in 4 months or a year.
My gut tells me this virus will NEVER be eliminated and as soon as things open, it will in fact triple triple the cases. Unless the number is zero, this is an inevitable fact..the eradication of this virus is no longer an option without a vaccine, and there is no guarantee there will ever be a vaccine. If there is a 99.4 % survival rate what I am saying losing 0.6% of the population is a HORRIFIC AND NAUSEATING thought, but I am not sure there is another option unless the social distancing is a permanent way of life, meaning things like broadway shows never occur again OR we accept a 99.4% survival rate and allow people to carefully resume some activities and allow those who do not accept the risk to stay home. My point is I don’t think a vaccine is now a foregone conclusion, so I have yet to hear a plan B. Stay home until WHEN ? WHEN its safe ?? It will never be safe
The lack of a national plan also has hurt us. Trump is treating the U.S as 50 independent countries instead of ONE NATION which is unfortunate. I hope for better days but I have a feeling June isn’t going to be so great this year and I give in person school for kids in NY in September a 50-50 chance at best, which is very upsetting to me. Remote learning may teach the academics, but its goimg to have serious consequences for kids development and those are years we cannot get back . The fact that the class of 2020 will leave High School without the experiences of April, May, or June of their senior year is really terrible..there is no sugar coating that ..graduation from high school was a sentinel moment in life that shaped who we are.