
FBI Raid Video Footage To Be Released?

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Grab a bag of popcorn and hold on to your hats, folks, because Donald Trump has threatened to publicly release closed-circuit camera footage including the infamous FBI raid video of his Florida resort.

Politics :
Although the 8-hour-long FBI raid video might very well be the most boring film ever made, why would Trump want to release the footage to the world, you ask? He has 2 very compelling reasons: revenge and leverage.

Since Trump’s Mar-a-Lago mansion is loaded with closed-circuit security, officials are aware that cameras captured the entire 8 hours FBI agents searched his home. However, the high-tech cameras also captured crystal clear images of each of the FBI agents conducting the raid. And, therein lies the problem.

FBI Raid Video

FBI and CIA agents are effective because they’re able to operate anonymously. So, if Trump were to reveal the identities of the agents who searched his home, he would be putting not only their careers but their safety in grave danger.

Interestingly, Donald Trump knows exactly what he would be doing and the risks involved by releasing the FBI raid video to the public. In his mind, he’d be getting revenge against the agents who “violated” his home. He’d also hope to use the threat of exposing the identity of the agents in an attempt to convince US Attorney General Merrick Garland to back off.

This potential scheme regarding the FBI raid video might also explain why Trump decided to steal documents from The White House at all.

According to his former lawyer, Michael Cohen, Trump deliberately took the “sensitive” classified documents as a “get out of jail free” card in order to protect himself if he were ever arrested on any of the numerous felony charges pending against him.

Michael Cohen

“The second they would put him in handcuffs, he would turn around and say ‘I have the documentation showing, for example, where our nuclear launch pads are,'” Cohen said on CNN. “This is what I believe: He would use it and say, ‘if you proceed with this, I’m telling you right now there are 20 of my loyal supporters, you don’t know who they are, but we will release that information to Russia, to Iran, to whoever it might be.”‘

So, maybe go ahead and grab that bag of popcorn after all — because it looks like Donald Trump is playing dirty pool and fixing for a fight with the US government that is about to get very ugly.

OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
Trump threatens release of the FBI raid video.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. This makes a lot of sense why Trump took the documents in the first place. He was thinking two steps ahead so he could use them to his own benefit one day. The same thing if he puts out the video of the agents. The guy is such a snake.

    1. “The guy is such a snake.”

      Yep! That’s exactly what he is. Him and his minions!

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