Comments on: Ferguson Explodes Over Grand Jury Verdict News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:52:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tyrob Tue, 25 Nov 2014 17:49:03 +0000 Once again we are faced with some very real truths about our society. Although completely understandable the rage of the community as it should be, we have to find ways to the path of Constructively Focused Rage. The kind that will further our agenda and not hurt it. Rioting and Looting only in the end places us in a position to give Law Enforcement another reason to kill more lives and incarcerate. We have used that tactic for years and the end result is the same we are right back where we started dealing with the same issue. Its time for a new tactic one that will cause a consistently internal hemorrhage of systematic polices that participate in killing black young men.We need to know all the businesses and how they intersect with these state institutions that benefit from these policies and boycott them out of existence. King showed us it works. Our money matters. A penny matter, pennies makes dollars,etc. Although there might be business owners who might not support the polices but benefit from them being in place, lets find out who they are and STOP GIVING THEM MONEY TO HELP KILL US!!! The truth is without our money that we as an African-American community give to a system the legislates our death by the truck loads the economic structure would be devastated. This causes great internal hemorrhaging the kind that can't be ignored. So its time to deal with things from an educated and real place. Lets know what officials we are electing to protect us. Lets make sure when they don't do their jobs they are fired. Lets really know the state laws that govern our lives. Lets hold people accountable by the law or by changing it. Rage is good, but unfocused its a mess that doesn't fix the real problem

By: Truthizz Tue, 25 Nov 2014 16:29:23 +0000 Sadly, I wasn't suprised by either the Grand Jury's decision or the violent outbursts that followed that announcement.

Both outcomes were predictable.

By: Georgia Tue, 25 Nov 2014 15:21:25 +0000 Really though. Are we surprised?

By: Mr. BD Tue, 25 Nov 2014 15:10:48 +0000 They been telling everybody for days to stay calm. So I already knew wat the outcome was going to be. We can't no justice so there won't be no peace.
