Fire And Fury Trump Threat Could Provoke WWIII
Are you ready for World War III? A seemingly flippant ‘fire and fury’ remark from Donald Trump could very well launch the US into a nuclear holocaust of epic proportions.
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In response to a new report that North Korea has successfully miniaturized a nuclear warhead capable of threatening the United States, Trump decided to take his playground-bully act to a new level.
“North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States,” Trump told reporters at the New Jersey golf club where he has been vacationing. “They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen.”
Then, in a direct threat to North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, Trump doubled down on his threat.
“He has been very threatening beyond a normal state, and as I said, they will be met with fire and fury, and frankly power the likes of which this world has never seen before.”
Donald Trump may very well be crazy, however, compared to Kim Jong-un he is the poster child of sanity. The North Korean dictator has been itching for a fight in an attempt to prove his mettle. Trump and his bombastic rhetoric just played directly into Kim’s hands by stooping to his level.
In a clear attempt to show that they are completely unfazed by Trump’s brazen and brassy threat, North Korea took “The Donald’ up on his words and warned that if a fight is what Trump wants, a fight is what Trump will get. The communist nation issued a statement boldly declaring that it is actively considering a strike against the US territory of Guam in the South Pacific, where the United States operates a critical Air Force base. According to the statement, the military strike would create “an enveloping fire” around Guam beyond comprehension.
“Will only the U.S. have option called ‘preventive war’ as is claimed by it?” the Strategic Force of the North’s Korean People’s Army, or K.P.A., said in a statement. “It is a daydream for the U.S. to think that its mainland is an invulnerable Heavenly kingdom.”
“The U.S. should clearly face up to the fact that the ballistic rockets of the Strategic Force of the K.P.A. are now on constant standby, facing the Pacific Ocean and pay deep attention to their azimuth angle for launch,” the statement added.
This is a problem. A huge one.
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Typically, US presidents utilize firm but calculated language when it comes to the issue of war — particularly when their choice of words could end in a potential nuclear battle with North Korea. However, Trump threw all diplomacy and decorum aside, playing the big-shot bully he’s come to be known as from reality TV who can get whatever he wants simply by throwing his weight around. Except, this isn’t TV. Nor is it a game.
In theory, Donald Trump walked onto the international playground and called for Kim Jong-un to step up and fight him. Except (and perhaps to Trump’s surprise), Kim Jong-un not only stepped up but basically flailed his arms and yelled: “Here I am… let’s do this.” Now, Trump’s big mouth has gotten the US into a standoff it never wanted with North Korea or anybody, with the entire globe looking on to see if the US really is the world power it claims to be. Now, Trump and his North Korean counterpart are standing in the ring with their dukes up, waiting to see who will blink first. Now, just as in the Cuban missile crisis of 1962, Trump has backed himself into a corner and is left with only 2 options:
1.) He either has to proceed with a fight, or risk making the US appear to be a weak military dog with a huge bark, but no bite, or…
2.) He has to find an “out clause” for North Korea so that neither Kim Jong-un or Trump is seen backing down or appearing weak on the world stage.
For a narcissistic real estate tycoon with New York-style bravado who builds pretty buildings but has ZERO experience in political posturing, military strategy, or global diplomacy, Donald Trump sure has his work cut out for him.
Trump and Kim Jong-un are now standing nose to nose with their dukes up. Kim Jong-un has made it clear that if a fight breaks out, he will hand-deliver a nuclear bomb to the island of Guam. In return, Trump has promised to deliver a ‘fast and fury’ punch unlike the world has ever seen. If either man follows through with their threats, China, Russia, and all of NATO will be immediately forced to join in the fray.
Could World War III be seriously upon us?
“Could World War III be seriously upon us?”
I pray that it’s not. But seriously, with these two dangerous, insecure, fools testing each other Lord only knows where all this is heading.
“Donald Trump may very well be crazy, however, compared to Kim Jong-un he is the poster child of sanity.”
I have to respectfully disagree with you on this one DJ. I actually think Trump is the crazier of the two.
But I totally agree with you on this:
“The North Korean dictator has been itching for a fight in an attempt to prove his mettle. Trump and his bombastic rhetoric just played directly into Kim’s hands by stooping to his level.”
Hey Truth I kinda of have to agree with DJ. I think Kim Jong is crazy enough to launch a nuclear war. Trump is only being a fake alpha dog like you always call him. Plus he’s stupid. He probably thinks if he barks loud enough people will do whatever he says do but Kim won’t. If Kim send a bomb to Guam or the United States it would make him look like a big player in the world. Plus it would be something his father was never able to do before. He doesn’t even care about the consequences because he doesn’t care anything about his own people. So what if they get bombed and killed. That’s why I say he is crazy.
BD I’m used to you and DJ ganging up on me….Lol.
No. Seriously though. You and DJ may be right.
But what a frightening reality – the fact that WE (as Americans) are even having to consider this alarming question. Who is the crazier – the North Korean authoritarian dictator? OR the current President of a United States?
And adding insult to injury………
Last evening Stephen Miller (a Trump senior policy adviser and a real right-wing nutjob) had the temerity to declare THIS:
“President Trump is the most gifted politician of our time. He’s the best orator to hold that office in generations,” Miller said in an interview with Fox News host Laura Ingraham, who was filling in on Tucker Carlson Tonight. – Newsweek
THIS is the kind of utterly INSANE BS we’re dealing with when it comes to Trump. His sycophants gleefully feed into, and even encourage, his fake alpha-male madness.
We all knows these fools for Trump are like the same fools that followed that cult leader Jim Jones and drank the kool aid and died. Well these fools are drinking Trumps kool aid and will follow him right to his demise. Stupidity is a terrible drug.
TAC Reader:
{Some} say Kim is not rational. I have to take issue with that. Kim is very rational in his on way. Demonstrating that he has nuclear weapons and not giving them up is the ultimate safe guard for his regime from outside intervention. Nothing was ever done about North Korea because we were always worried about what would happen to Seoul. With nuclear weapons that anti just got upped. He also learned the lesson of Qaddafi. Qaddafi gave up his weapons of mass destruction and then was eventually overthrown. Kim is acting rationally in this regard. He is acting in a way he sees that will ensure him and his regimes survival. They will do nothing else but probably eventually agree to talks and win some concessions. I would be sure of this scenario but with Trump that gives me some element of doubt because I really believe that he responds with emotions and not reason in many instances. […]
The ‘axis of idiocy’
There is one area where Trump and Kim are equally matched, and that’s “lunacy,” wrote Bob Cesca for Salon.
Cesca said Kim may be baiting Trump “whose weakness, incompetence and knee-jerk decision-making have been abundantly telegraphed not just to North Korea, but indeed to all of America’s potential overseas enemies.”
Cesca said voters did not pay enough attention to “our own erratic leader’s infatuation with nuclear weapons before voting for him.” Calling him “our own Mad King,” he looked back on Trump’s “nuke-curious posture”, such as when he reportedly asked advisers why the U.S. doesn’t use them.
If we emerge from this standoff with North Korea unscathed, voters have an old lesson to learn one more time: We need to take Election Day decisions a little more seriously in the future so we never again confront a nuclear-capable enemy with a leader who’s functionally illiterate and who sets his policies based on what Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade giggle about on Fox & Friends. Choosing national leaders isn’t a game or a whimsical matter. We shouldn’t be casting our votes just to troll people we don’t like on Facebook. And now we’re learning why.