Comments on: Firefighters, Police In New York Protest Vaccine Mandate News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 08 Nov 2021 05:56:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr.BD Tue, 02 Nov 2021 16:56:13 +0000 I agree with Truth. If these Trump lovers want to put people lives at risk they need to get fired.

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 02 Nov 2021 15:20:37 +0000 Should NY police and firefighters continue to put citizens at risk by refusing to report to work in order to prove a point against vaccine mandates? Or, should they adhere to their vow to “serve and protect” and find some other way to protest the mandatory COVID shot? […] – DJ

No. and No. They should be fired. And new police officers and firefighters should be hired who WILL adhere to their vow to “serve and protect,” their citizens, including complying with the vaccine mandate.

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 02 Nov 2021 15:15:14 +0000 NY police officers and firefighters are up in arms over the new requirements and are marching in picket lines instead of reporting to work. In fact, on Monday, 2,000 out of New York’s 11,000 firefighters participated in a “sick out” by calling in sick instead of showing up for work. […] -DJ

That’s just over 18% of New York firefighters. Nowhere near a majority but enough to be a problem nonetheless because as DJ points out, the lives of the citizens those firefighters vowed to “serve and protect” are clearly put at risk. 

Sidenote: I’m curious. How many of those “angry” and “upset” police officers and firefighters voted for Trump? And how many of those same “My body My choice” yahoos believe a woman should NOT have a legal right to choose what happens with her own body when it comes to abortion?  

As Beau the Fifth Column would say: “Just a thought.” 
