Flat Earthers And The Lack Of Common Sense

Riddle me this: What do Flat Earthers share jointly with common sense? NOTHING!
Science :
You probably live down the street from them, work across the hall from them, or ride public transit next to them. Yes, they’re the people who strangely believe that the earth is flat.
NBA All-Star Kyrie Irving of the Brooklyn Nets is one of them and, despite being a multi-millionaire, has never been able to use his riches to travel to the end of the earth and look over the edge.

What makes people ignore globe-shaped photos of the earth and boldly refer to the roundness of the planet as “Fake News” — particularly when the moon and other planets in the universe are clearly seen by everyone on earth as round?
Take a look at the video below and prepare to be amazed (or, perhaps disgusted at the ignorance).
OK WASSUP! discusses Science News:
What’s with Flat Earthers?
Riddle me this: What do Flat Earthers share jointly with common sense? NOTHING! […]
DJ, you’ve summed it up right there in a nutshel!
I watched the whole video. This was really good.