Comments on: Florida And The Growing Coronavirus Pandemic News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 20 Jul 2020 02:12:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Tue, 14 Jul 2020 19:55:15 +0000 In reply to Saleem.

People are dying by the thousands in Florida and their best response was to reopen Disney?? […]

Yes Saleem. In America, that’s what passes for “leadership” in the private sector.

Look.What’s happening in America is distinctly American. Whites in other countries enjoy white privilege in their respective societies too. But they cannot even imagine behaving in such a reprehensible manner. They are shocked and horrified by what they’re seeing play out in this country.

A minority population of American citizens are playing Russian Roulette with the lives of the majority of Us because they are ignorant, totally undisciplined, selfishly reckless and just don’t give a d*mn. And there’s nothing We can do about it….but pray. .

By: Saleem Tue, 14 Jul 2020 19:07:44 +0000 People are dying by the thousands in Florida and their best response was to reopen Disney?? Combine that with an idiotic governor plus rampant white privilege not to comply with mask requirements and social distancing and you could make the case we’re going to under house arrest with Covid for years.

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 14 Jul 2020 18:49:58 +0000 In reply to Wil.

He does that quite a lot Wil (contradicts himself). And of course he lies all the time.

By: Wil Tue, 14 Jul 2020 18:29:44 +0000 (CNN)Over the weekend, Florida achieved the sort of record no one wants: It set a single-day record for coronavirus cases, with more than 15,000.

To put the 15,300 cases in Florida on Saturday in some context, it was two months into the pandemic before the US reported more than 15,000 cases in a single day nationwide. And, on Tuesday, Florida announced 132 new deaths from coronavirus, its highest single-day total to date.

“Miami is now the epicenter for the virus,” said Dr. Lillian Abbo, an infectious disease expert with the Jackson Health System, on Monday afternoon. “What we were seeing in Wuhan five months ago, we’re now seeing here.”

Faced with such a massive challenge, the question many are asking now is whether Florida’s newly minted governor — Republican Ron DeSantis — is up to the job.

In an editorial headlined “Ron DeSantis should lead or get out of the way on coronavirus,” the Orlando Sentinel puts it bluntly:

“If coronavirus were a hurricane, it seemed to reach Category 5 status over the weekend. More than ever, Florida needs decisive, resolute guidance to get through this storm.

“Instead, Ron DeSantis continues to muddle and spin his way through. For every good move, there have been too many missteps…

…The one thing we’ve all learned about COVID-19 is the need for humility. It’s far too unpredictable for anyone to declare that victory or doomsday is at hand. But DeSantis has too often acted as if he wanted nothing more than to hang up a ‘mission accomplished’ banner.”

That editorial comes just hours after a viral video of a heckler interrupting a DeSantis’ press conference on Monday to demand that he resign. (He didn’t.)

By: Wil Tue, 14 Jul 2020 18:22:22 +0000 He doesn’t realize he contradicted himself. From CNN:

On Monday afternoon, President Donald Trump was asked about his insistence that the only reason that coronavirus cases are spiking across the South and Southwest was an increase in testing. His answer was, uh, something else.

Here’s the exchange:
Reporter: President Trump, you’ve said many times that the number of coronavirus cases is going up because testing is increasing.
Trump: That’s right.
Reporter: Do you acknowledge that it’s going up for other reasons too; for example, that it’s actually spreading? And what are you going to do to stop the spread?
Trump: Well, you know that we have one of the lowest mortality rates anywhere. If you know, [former Vice President Joe] Biden and [former President Barack] Obama stopped their testing; they just stopped it. You probably know that. I’m sure you don’t want to report it. But they stopped testing. Right in the middle, they just went, “No more testing,” and on a much lesser problem than the problem that we have, obviously with respect to — this is the worst thing that’s happened since probably 1917. This is a very bad — all over the world. It’s 188 countries right now. But, no, we are — we test more than anybody, by far. And when you test, you create cases. So we’ve created cases. I can tell you some countries, they test when somebody walks into a hospital sick or walks into maybe a doctor’s office, but usually a hospital. That’s the testing they do, so they don’t have cases, whereas we do — we have all of these cases. So, you know, it’s a double-edged sword.
