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Fraudulent voter registration forms in at least 10 Florida counties has a registration firm and the Republican Party in hot water.

The Republican National Committee paid Strategic Allied Consulting $3.1 million to register voters in Florida as well as 6 other swing states.  However, Florida election officials have since discovered that 100 out of about 400 forms turned in by the state Republican Party were blatantly doctored and rendered fraudulent.  The forms included missing Social Security numbers, date of births that did not match the names and even fake addresses.

“It was that flagrant,” elections supervisor Ann W. Bodenstein said. “In no way did they look genuine.”

“Anyone with any sense would have known there was something wrong,” she added. “Most were changes in current registrations filed in the names of real voters, but signatures were spelled differently than the applicants’ names.”

The GOP also hired Strategic Allied Consulting to work in Nevada, Colorado, North Carolina, Ohio and Wisconsin — ironically, states that are all considered vulnerable for Republican candidate Mitt Romney.

Strategic Allied Consulting is run by Arizona-based conservative Nathan Sproul, who also happens to be a former head of the state GOP.  Apparently Sproul believed he could help the conservative cause by doctoring registration records, thereby adding fraudulent votes to the Republican column. However, this is not the first time. According to the L.A. Times, Sproul “has been dogged by charges in the past that his employees destroyed Democratic registrations.”

In light of these findings, the Florida Democratic Party has petitioned election officials to “revoke” the state GOP’s ability to register voters.  If there is any justice in America, heads will roll and severe penalties will be levied to permanently cease what could have been a multiple state voting fix.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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