Florida Police Officers Beat Homeless Man
As if the Memphis Police Department beating death of Tyre Nichols wasn’t enough, now Florida police have registered a beating of their own.
Current Events :
Two Florida police officers face felony charges — including armed kidnapping and battery — after detaining a homeless man outside a shopping center in Hialeah, driving several miles to an isolated location, then beating him unconscious.
According to The New York Times, Lorenzo Orfila, 22, and Rafael Otano, 27, responded to a call regarding a disturbance at a bakery in a shopping center near Hialeah. Despite surveillance cameras showing that he was not at all part of any disturbance, the officers immediately targeted and handcuffed 50-year-old Jose Ortega Gutierrez, who is homeless. However, instead of transporting him to the police station for official booking, the former officers drove about 6 miles to a remote location (blasting their emergency lights and sirens along the way) where they decided to serve as judge, jury, and executioner.
Once they were in a secluded location, they threw Gutierrez to the ground and beat him until he blacked out. The homeless man later woke up without cuffs and no one else around — but bleeding from his head. He eventually received help from an off-duty police officer who stumbled upon him while walking his dog and called 911.
“Excessive force and abusive power will always, always undermine the fundamental goals of good policing in any community anywhere,” Katherine Fernandez Rundle, the Miami-Dade County state attorney, said during a news conference. “Officers who forget that do a great disservice to the people they have sworn to serve.”
Following an internal investigation, officials discovered that the global positioning system on the officers’ police cars showed them outside their assigned patrol area that day. It was also revealed that Orfila asked another officer in the department to break protocol and list the incident as a “no report.”
“Officers Otano and Orfila both failed to turn on their body-worn cameras during their entire encounter with Ortega Gutierrez,” Ms. Fernandez Rundle said while acknowledging the former officers’ attempts to keep their rogue actions a secret.
The Florida police officers have since been fired and await a court appearance for their actions. Additionally, a third man, 45-year-old Ali Amin Saleh (a civilian) was also arrested and charged with witness tampering after he attempted “to cover up the actions of the officers,” Ms. Fernandez Rundle said.
“It’s a sad and disappointing day when any officer betrays a badge,” Police Chief George Fuente said at the news conference, “and it’s extremely disappointing to me it being an officer that wore the Hialeah patch.”
OK WASSUP! covers Current Events:
Florida police officers beat homeless man.
The similarities of these stories aren’t just coincidence. The most significant difference being – in this case, the man wasn’t beaten to death. He was beaten to unconsciousness.
It’s pretty clear now that the Culture of Law Enforcement in today’s America is a Corrupt and depraved Culture. A highly toxic and deadly Culture. Poisonous at the root, throughout that “Tree,” from top to bottom.
I would posit that most of the people working in Law Enforcement in America are sociopathic predators who realized a long time ago that the easiest way to carry out their madness is to have a career in law enforcement.
Reminds me of the gay pedophiles (predators) who realized a long time ago that the easiest way to carry out their madness was to become a priest in the Catholic Church.
There’s no doubt in my mind, that in most – if not ALL of these cases (including the Tyre Nichols case) – those cops have savagely terrorized people before.
No. This isn’t their first time!
Terrorizing people is all in a day’s work for ALL of those animals. And that’s what they are, vicious animals. Predators with badges.
You got that right Truth. A lot of these folks becoming cops already have anger issues. They join up so they get a chance to be a bully with a gun and take their issues out on other people.
Btw, related to the Nichols’ case…..
3 fire personnel are terminated and 2 other Memphis officers were placed on leave over Tyre Nichols’ deadly beating, officials say – CNN
Fallout from the deadly police beating of Black motorist Tyre Nichols now includes the firing of three Memphis Fire Department personnel, and an announcement that a total of seven police officers were placed on leave, as critics nationwide call for police reform.
Two emergency medical technicians and a fire department lieutenant have been terminated over their response to Nichols’ January 7 encounter with members of a now-disbanded unit of the police department, Memphis Fire Chief Gina Sweat said Monday. […] – CNN, Jan. 30, 2023 at 11:57 PM
This story does not surprise me at all. There are more cases like this we never hear about because a lot of police are bad and corrupt. It is too bad they beat this homeless man for no reason and killed Tyre Nichols. But I bet there are hundreds of other cases out there none of us heard about before.
You’re absolutely correct BD. I cosign everything you said, including your following response!
If they actually cleaned house indeed there WOULDN’T be that many police officers left.
The problem really is that bad!
I just wonder what the general public can do about this if anything. Because if somebody does not do something we will end up accepting all these beatings and killings and it will never stop.
We need major Police Reform in this country BD. WE (the general public) MUST demand it because that’s the only Hope we have of anything truly meaningful actually being done about it!
Anything short of that will result in it continuing to be Open Season on Blacks, in America, especially young Black unarmed males, at the hands of Savage cops – Blacks and Whites.
And WE as a people must Never accept that!
I bet if they could clean out all the bad seed in police departments there would not be all that many cops left. I really think the problem with bad police is that bad.