
Flynn Seeks Immunity To Tattle On Trump

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Former NSA Director Michael Flynn seeks immunity to tell on Trump.

Politics –
Flynn Seeks Immunity
To Tattle On Trump

When a criminal makes a deal with police to tell everything he knows in exchange for the cops letting him off the hook, the crook only makes that deal because he knows he’s guilty and is looking to cover his own ass. Well, that’s the same deal former NSA Director Michael Flynn is trying to strike with the feds right now!

In a stunning move late last week, Michael Flynn voluntarily agreed to testify before federal and congressional investigators regarding possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. The only catch is, he wants immunity. His “Let’s Make A Deal” offer poses the million dollar question: exactly what information does Flynn have that is so valuable, it would entice the US government to trade it for absolute immunity?


In case you smell something here, be forewarned — it’s a rat! Donald Trump has tried desperately to divert America’s attention from the possibility that the only reason he sits in the Oval Office today is because he and his cronies colluded with a foreign adversary to disrupt our democracy. Now, Michael Flynn could cause that entire house of cards to come crumbling down with an hour’s worth of testimony.

Questions remain about the nature of Flynn’s ties to Russia, including concerns that he violated federal restrictions by engaging in contact with a foreign government prior to the election while he was an adviser to Trump and merely a private citizen. Flynn was forced to resign after it was revealed he (purportedly) misled VP Mike Pence and others about his previously undisclosed communications with the Russian ambassador to the US.

In what should come as no surprise, Donald Trump has since gone on the defensive, actually promoting the idea that Michael Flynn should seek immunity and protect himself from a “witch hunt.”

Mike Flynn should ask for immunity in that this is a witch hunt (excuse for big election loss), by media & Dems, of historic proportion!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 31, 2017

In what should also come as no surprise, Russian President Vladimir Putin has since dismissed claims that Russia meddled in the US election as “fictional, illusory, provocations and lies.”

Only a day after requesting immunity, Flynn’s attorney’s have also gone on the defensive in an attempt to save face for basically admitting his guilt and hoping to put a positive spin on the move.

“Gen. Flynn certainly has a story to tell, and he very much wants to tell it, should the circumstances permit. … (However) No reasonable person, who has the benefit of advice from counsel, would submit to questioning in such a highly politicized, witch-hunt environment without assurances against unfair prosecution,” Robert Kelner, Flynn’s lawyer, said in a statement last week.

Meanwhile, Democrats are having a field day with a rather damning comment Michael Flynn made just last year on MSNBC.

In the 2016 interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press” and during a conversation regarding possible prosecution of Hillary Clinton, Flynn said, “When you are given immunity … you probably committed a crime.” Well, if that is his mindset, should the American public also believe his theory must now apply to him too?



Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell, who is also a member of the House intelligence committee, has gone on record to blast Flynn’s proposed immunity deal.

“Generally, innocent people don’t seek immunity,” Swalwell said. “I don’t want to hear from him in a setting where there are conditions.”

So far, 3 former Trump aides — former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, former adviser Roger Stone and former foreign policy adviser Carter Page — have all said, via their lawyers, that they will testify before House and Senate investigators. However, Michael Flynn is the only character in the Trump camp who wants a promise of no prosecution before he will open his mouth.


Donald Trump keeps trying to convince Americans to forget about Russia and simply move on. He also keeps delivering disparaging remarks about any and everybody, including members and agencies within the US Intelligence community — but never a single peep against Vladimir Putin. Well, as the old saying goes, “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.”

The repeated revelations of one Trump campaign member after another having illegal contact with Russia on behalf of Trump and prior to the election (as well as all of them conveniently forgetting to disclose this contact during their confirmation hearings), doesn’t just suggest there’s smoke.  This looks like fire.  A huge BONFIRE!

So, grab your marshmallows and stay tuned, folks.  This national disgrace of a fire is just about to roar!





OK WASSUP! discusses politics:
Michael Flynn seeks immunity deal!

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Mr. BD

Don't give this fool immunity. Finish the investigation and put all of them in jail. Like DJ said there are too many Trump people connected to Russia to where that can't be a coincidence. I also heard Maxine Waters say follow the money which is what all this is about. This whole mess is about to blow up in their face.


Co-sign with BD. Do NOT give him immunity.

Given all of the very strong circumstantial evidence that's come to light I am now convinced that there probably was some collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Of course proving it will be one h*ll of a task for investigators.

But I do hope and pray they will eventually find that proof.


Correction: I mean to say – I do hope and pray they will eventually find the Truth.

And let me also add…….

I hope that most Americans are not looking at this as a Dems versus Repubs issue. This is no longer about politics. This is about so much more.

All Americans who truly love this country of Ours should want to know the truth because it is vital for Our nation; Our system of government, Our future and very way of life. .



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