What Happened To Bobbi Kristina?
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UPDATE (2/11/15 12:30am): While police confirm that they are now conducting a full criminal investigation into what happened to Bobbi Kristina Brown on the morning of January 31st, a 911 call shows that there may have been trouble at her home only days before she was discovered submerged in her bathtub.
“Just had a neighbor call and report saying people were hitting each other and swinging outside in front of the townhomes in Ellard Village,” a man who identified himself as Rick Gilbert from Ellard Securities said in a 911 call made January 23rd. Asked if he knew the names of any of the parties involved, the address Gilbert gave was that of the three-bedroom townhouse shared by Bobbi Kristina and Nick Gordon.
This apparent proof of domestic violence only days before Bobbi Kristina was discovered, combined with the inexplicable bruises and marks on her face and mouth, certainly doesn’t fare well for Nick Gordon.
Bobbi Kristina Brown, the daughter of the late Whitney Houston and R&B singer Bobby Brown, remains in a coma today inside an Atlanta hospital. However, questions have risen regarding the events that led to her near death condition: How is it possible for someone to end up face down inside a bathtub? And what exactly are the inexplicable bruises and defensive marks that were found on her body?
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Those are exactly the questions police want answers to, as they have launched a formal investigation into the Bobbi Kristina case. The target of their investigation is Bobbi Kristina’s supposed husband/boyfriend, Nick Gordon, who police believe may be responsible for her condition.
According to law enforcement sources, Bobbi Kristina has certain tell-tale injuries that have piqued their interest. These injuries, combined with a known domestic violence history between Bobbi Kristina and Nick Gordon, as well as the strange reporting of events on the day she was found face down in the bathtub, have police suspecting foul play.
Police believe a possible altercation may have occurred about an hour before Bobbi Kristina was found submerged in a bathtub. They’re also curious why Max Lomas — Nick Gordon’s friend who discovered Bobbi Kristina in the tub — has hired a lawyer and requested immunity to prosecution before he talks to police again.
During initial questioning, Max Lomas told police he arrived at Bobbi Kristina and Nick Gordon’s Atlanta-area townhouse around 9am on the morning of Saturday, January 31st, adding that he hung out with Nick but did not see Bobbi Kristina (he was told she was in the bedroom). Nick wandered away and Max says he didn’t pay attention to his whereabouts. At about 10am the cable guy arrived and Max says he let him in, since Nick was nowhere to be seen. The cable guy said he needed access to the bedroom so Max let him in and discovered Bobbi Kristina in the tub. He screamed for Nick, who ran in and administered CPR. Max then said Nick cleaned up the home and removed blood stains.
Blood stains?? Huh?????
Who Is Nick Gordon?
Whitney Houston opened her home to then 12-year old Nick Gordon after Whitney’s friend, Michelle Gordon, said she couldn’t care for him. Whitney felt sorry for Nick and decided to raise him herself. Bobbi and Nick quickly developed a bond, with Nick referring to Bobbi as “Li’l Sis” and she affectionately calling him “Big Bruh.”
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In 2011 when Bobbi began dating, Nick was arrested after allegedly threatening a teenage boy with a gun when he expressed interest in dating Bobbi. Soon after Whitney’s death in 2012, Nick filled a void in Bobbi’s life and they began a romantic relationship. That same year, Gordon was arrested after totaling a Camaro. Houston family members claimed the unemployed Gordon spent most days smoking marijuana and being “high all of the time.” They were also convinced Gordon “had been counting Whitney’s money since she died.”
“It was Nick who turned Bobbi against the family,” a source said.
“Krissy [Bobbi] and [Marion “Pat” Houston, who is married to Whitney’s brother, Gary ] were close at one point, and Pat always looked out for Krissy,” a family friend said. But in April 2014, Pat took out a restraining order against Gordon, whom she claimed had made terrorist threats against her and her husband on social media. Gordon had been demanding more cash from Houston’s estate, a police report said.
What Are The Facts?
According to hospital reports, drugs were indeed found in Bobbi Kristina’s system, however the types and levels were nowhere near enough to incapacitate her and cause her to lose consciousness inside a tub full of water.
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So, what exactly happened to Bobbi Kristina Brown? For those who believe Whitney Houston’s death (face-down inside a tub of scalding hot water) was no accident, the eerie discovery of daughter Bobbi Kristina under the exact same circumstances nearly 3 years to the day of Whitney’s death seem nearly impossible to be a mere coincidence.
Did Bobbi Kristina attempt suicide by re-creating her own mother’s death inside a bathtub? Did Nick Gordon and his old high school buddy Max Lomas attempt to murder Bobbi Kristina and obtain the estimated $100 million dollar fortune she would solely inherit from her mother’s estate by staging a Whitney Houston death scene?
These are all questions police want answers to. If Bobbi Kristina somehow miraculously awakens from her coma, the dark truth of her circumstances will certainly come to the light.
More sad and sorry news concerning a young lady whose life seemed defined, mostly, by sad and sorry news.
Certainly if evidence of "foul play" can be linked to this current tragedy, I hope justice will be done.
But the sad truth is…..
Regardless of the outcome of any investigations related to this situation, absent a Miracle, this young lady's life appears to be over.
I heard about this over the weekend and sad to say I'm not surprised. There's always been something about Nick Gordon that rubbed me the wrong way. I always thought Whitney was killed and made to look like a accident now here's the same thing. People do a lotta crazy things when theres a hundred million dollars involved. Plus not many friends come over just to hang out at 9 o'clock in the morning. Then like DJ said how does somebody end up upside down in a bath tub? Plus the cable guy was probably the set up for her to be found. I want to hear what the cable man has to say about everything too. Something fishy is definitely going on here believe it.
The family plans to hold a public prayer vigil tonight in Atlanta for Bobbi Kristina. They are hopeful there's strength in numbers and that a large gathering of prayer warriors will work a miracle and bring her back to life.
LINK: https://celebrity.yahoo.com/news/bobbi-kristinas-…
My recent post TGIF: The History of Black History Month
i hate to say it but this poor child is gone. maybe after they do the prayer circle tonight they'll finally let her go
@Pat – from your lips to their ears…
MSN and other social media news sites are now reporting:
"Bobbi Kristina’s Family to Let Her Die on Same Day as Whitney Houston" (Feb. 11th)
However, as per Us Weekly this latest info is 'NOT" true.
So who knows what is_or isn't..true when it comes to anything related to this ongoing tragedy!?!.