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Last Halloween, a freakish snowstorm blanketed the East Coast just in time to ruin the fun for holiday trick-or-treaters.  But this Halloween, there’s a much more severe threat that’s neither a trick or a treat.

Hurricane Sandy, which has already wreaked havoc in the Atlantic, is on a crash course for the eastern seaboard.  Everything from the Carolinas to Cape Cod, including New York City, are bracing for excessively high winds and rain that could cause massive flooding and damage unseen since Hurricane Katrina.  But this is only half the news.

A crazed winter storm is also headed for the New York/New Jersey area, which could cause freezing snow and blizzard like conditions.  The collision of Hurricane Sandy along with the impending winter storm is virtually unprecedented and is being labeled the FRANKENSTORM!

High winds, massive rains, likely flooding, combined with freezing snow and sleet are expected to cause downed trees and power lines throughout the region. With this threat, officials have alerted residents that electric power, as well as telephone and Internet service would almost assuredly go down and could be out for several days.  In preparation, schools and many businesses were closed for today, while the New York City subway system was shut down last night and residents were urged to stay home and wait it out.

As a New York City resident, I heeded the warnings to stock up on bottled water, canned food, candles, batteries and other survival items.  An hour wait at most grocery stores and emptied shelves with little or no supplies left was the norm.  But it was a necessity to be prepared.  The New York area has weathered many storms, but officials warn it may have never seen a storm of this magnitude.

So, in preparation for the inclemency, I have written a few “emergency” articles to automatically post to OK WASSUP! in case the power and Internet are lost.  To our regular readers, if you arrive to the site one day and see no activity, blame it on the FRANKENSTORM and look for us to be back up and running again soon!


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Hey DJ hang in there. You forgot to mention theres a full moon tonight too. That's gonna make the tides higher which won't be a good thing for the storm. Praying for all my people in the NY area.

  2. Welp. I'm in Souith Central PA and even though I also prepared for the worse the truth is seldom do these *monster storms* live up to the hype in my neck of the woods. It's nearing mid-Momday morning and THUS FAR this storm is no exception.

    We're experiencing light-to-moderate rain showers with light-to-moderate winds. We still have to get through this evening, tonight and tomorrow morning…and conditions could worsen. But as of right now not much is else is happening around here.

    My place of employment is closed today so I'm just chillin.

  3. That sounds so scary. I've been listening to the news of this storm on the radio and have friends in the area. We live on the West Coast so we don't have to deal with anything like this. Hang in there. Our prayers are with everybody that will be effected by the storm!

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