Charles Manson. The Unibomber. Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh. Take your pick. But imagine any one of those men living in a palatial mansion a mere 6 blocks from the FBI building in Washington, DC — and nobody knows about it. Impossible?
Well, that’s exactly what happened in Pakistan, where Osama Bin Laden and his cohorts lived the life of luxury — LITERALLY — in an impressive million dollar, custom-built mansion in the burbs of Pakistan. Bin Laden was surrounded by a 10-foot wall and barbed wire for security, enjoying nothing but the finest lifestyle available: fresh milled soaps, imported shampoos and other products, freshly cut meats from a local butcher. No hiding in caves and scavenging rat meat for him. His was the life of Riley. But this wasn’t in some remote region of the country. This was less than half a mile from Pakistan’s equivalent of the CIA. Huh???
Pakistan has long claimed they had no idea where Bin Laden was, while they also claimed millions of dollars in aid from the U.S. that we provided them in an attempt to keep the lines of communication open. They’ve always assured the U.S. that Bin Laden was definitely NOT in Pakistan. So in the voice of Ricky Ricardo: “Pakistan… you have some ‘splainin’ to do!”
Now Pakistan is a bit hot under the collar that the U.S. pulled off its biggest mission in a generation without consulting them. Yeah, right — as if the U.S. was going to risk the success of this all important mission and the lives of its military personnel just to save the feelings of the Pakistan elite? That’s laughable! Current CIA Director and soon to be Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said it best, regarding Pakistan’s knowledge of Bin Laden’s whereabouts: either Pakistan is extremely incompetent, or they’re lying. But there’s simply no way the most wanted man in the world could live so large in plain sight, in a military village no doubt, and NO ONE know about it!
Or in the words of my grandmother: “If it (Bin Laden) were a snake, it would have bitten you.”
DJ: Or in the words of my grandmother: "If it (Bin Laden) were a snake, it would have bitten you."Lol. That was one of my grandmother's favorite sayings as well. Okay. So what is one to make of all the foolishness concerning Pakistan *leaders* NOT Knowing (totally oblivious to the fact) that the world's #1 mass murderng Terrorists was LIVING "just down the road a piece" from their equivalence of the FBI…??? How bout this…..Pakistan: Incompetent, Corrupt AND LYINGThat. is. all.