Militia Terrorists Prove Racial Double Standard

Top News Today –
Militia Terrorists Prove
Racial Double Standard
Riddle me this: What happens when 150 white militia members seize a building on federal land at a Oregon national wildlife refuge?  Absolutely nothing!
Top News Today

On Saturday, a group of militia members and several relatives of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy took over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, following an arson charge and a dispute over grazing rights.  Ammon Bundy posted a video to his Facebook page calling for militia members to help him. “ALL PATRIOTS ITS TIME TO STAND UP NOT STAND DOWN!!! WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! COME PREPARED,” the post said.
Although the group expressed no specific demands that would convince them to leave the federal property, they did threaten to kill anyone who dared to challenge them.
“I feel we are in a situation where if we do not do something, if we do not take a hard stand, we’ll be in a position where we’ll be no longer able to do so,” Bundy said in an eight-minute long Facebook video posted early Sunday morning. “We’re prepared to be out here for as long as we need to be.”
Soon after, the media referred to the gun-toting group as “peaceful protesters” and “patriots.” Also, the police considered the group a “non-threat” and provided no assemblage of law enforcement in the area. No swat teams were sent to surround the property.  In fact, local police stood down and said they had no intention of going to the scene or even keeping watch on the militia.  HUH????

When protesters rallied against the shooting death of Michael Brown by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, police took to the streets in riot gear and armored tanks.  When the #BlackLivesMatter movement took to the streets of New York after a white police officer strangled Eric Gardner to death, protesters were called “thugs” and “trouble makers,” while some white citizens mocked protesters with chants of “I CAN breathe” and “ALL lives matter.”
So, what’s wrong with this picture??
There are currently 150 WHITE militia men women who have been called to arms in Oregon for a fight against the government, yet they’re not being called terrorists or thugs or trouble makers — they’re being called “militiamen” and “patriots.”
What does our government call groups of heavily armed black or Latino men?? Gangs! What does our government call heavily armed Muslims?? Terrorists!
The fact that both the media and the general public are referring to the Oregon group as “patriots” just goes to show the label would never be given to anyone who wasn’t white. Further, the choice to “stand down” and do nothing would never happen to anyone who wasn’t white.
Top News Today
If a group of heavily armed Muslim-Americans took over a federal building and even hinted that they were ready to kill or be killed, then went on to make a public announcement for other armed Muslims from around the country to come and join them, the National Guard, State Police, FBI and possibly the US military would have already shut the entire operation down with a quickness. Not 1 person inside that federal building would be alive today.  However, these “militia” people are getting one hell of a free pass.
When John Crawford (a black man) was talking on his cellphone inside a Ohio Walmart while casually holding an air gun from the store, police stormed in and shot him to death within seconds.
When the NYPD claimed Amadou Diallo had a gun (he didn’t), they fired 41 shots at him and killed him in a fireworks display of gunfire.
When 12-year-old Tamir Rice (a black child) was playing in a city park with a toy gun, police shot and killed within seconds of arriving.
However, when 150 GROWN WHITE men and women armed with REAL guns seize federal land and send out a national call to other gun owning “patriots” to arm themselves and “come help,” there are absolutely no consequences.
Should we call these crazed white men and women “patriots?”  Or should we refer to them correctly as trouble-making thugs and terrorists who should be dealt with the same as any other terrorist?
Oh, what a terrible double standard!
If a group of heavily armed Muslim-Americans took over a federal building and even hinted that they were ready to kill or be killed, then went on to make a public announcement for other armed Muslims from around the country to come and join them, the National Guard, State Police, FBI and possibly the US military would have already shut the entire operation down with a quickness. Not 1 person inside that federal building would be alive today.
Thank you thank you for this story DJ. I was hoping you would cover it. These WHITE men are holding a federal building hostage and made threats to police if they interfere, but they are being called patriots and left alone???? No I don't understand that. I hope the whole world is watching this double standard because it's ridiculous.
Well said.
Just to echo BD….
DJ, this is a great topic for discussion. Thank you for your post. The truth is, your post has prompted me to follow-up by researching this terrorist group to gather a little more background info on them, beginning with the Bundys (father and sons).
Btw- I long ago came to the sad conclusion that the American media (in all forms) is the biggest promoter of the culture of White Supremacy (rooted in racism and bigotry) in this country. And they actually think WE (Black and Brown people) don't SEE and HEAR what they're doing!?!
On a related note…..
Even Sean Hannity recognizes something AIN'T *right* with this group.
The Washington Post:
In a departure from the vocal support he lent to rancher Cliven Bundy's standoff with the U.S. government in 2014, Fox News host Sean Hannity is speaking out against the rancher's armed sons occupying a federal building in Burns Oregon.
“I’m having a hard time understanding why Cliven Bundy’s son is out in Oregon,” he said on his radio show Monday.
"It sounds like people looking for a reason for a showdown." Hannity said, adding that there's “something not right” about the siege. […]
H/T: HuffPost
Update: Wed. 1-6-16
"Oregon Sheriff: Armed Occupiers Will Face Charges, Have Been Stalking BLM and USFWS Families"
Following up on Monday night’s report from the Guardian that officials were planning to cut off power to the domestic terrorists who’ve taken over the headquarters of Oregon’s Malheur Wildlife Refuge, Sheriff David Ward of Harney County said today that power has not been cut off at this point.
But Sheriff Ward also said the armed “constitutional patriots” are definitely going to face charges, and he urged community members not to support these idiots. A community meeting is planned for this afternoon.
“I think if one person gives them a Snickers bar, they’re going on national media and claiming that the community supports them,” he said.
“If you’re giving them support, you’re just prolonging the situation.”
The Sheriff also stated that for months, Ammon Bundy’s group of delusional sovereign citizens have been stalking members of the Bureau of Land Management and US Fish and Wildlife Service and their families, and photographing their homes — a very ominous piece of information indeed. […]
The Paiute Tribe, the ORIGINAL Americans, have a message for the militia members in Oregon: they want them off THEIR land, since the land belongs to them. They asked: “What would America do if a group of natives overtook ANY federal land?? Would we give them a free pass and allow them to restock supplies like we’re doing with these Oregon militia members??? This is a MUST SEE!!!
[youtube Zm7mewPWh9g http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zm7mewPWh9g youtube]
Saw this story the other day DJ but I held off posting about it hoping that you would.
So glad that you did..!