Current Events

Is al Qaeda On The Rise?

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April 16, 2014

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Top News Today –
Is al Qaeda On The Rise?
There’s bad news and there’s worse news.  The bad news is that a new video has uncovered what appears to be the largest and most dangerous gathering of al Qaeda terrorists in recent history. The worse news is that the U.S. government seems to have known nothing about it!

Top News Today
Having 100 of the most vicious terrorists in the world all in one place is like a wrapped gift for the U.S. government. However, this recent meeting of al Qaeda’s worst of the worst seems to have gone completely unnoticed as the CIA and the Pentagon either didn’t know about it or couldn’t get a drone there in time to strike and take them all out at once.

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The video shows the man known as al Qaeda’s crown prince, Nasir al-Wuhayshi, parading brazenly out in the open while greeting followers. As the #2 leader of al Qaeda globally and the head of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, Al-Wuhayshi makes it clear in the video that he desperately wants to attack the United States. Surprisingly, he and his cohorts appear completely undeterred that they could be hit by an American drone.

Top News Today
U.S. officials aren’t talking publicly, but have said that every frame of the video is now being analyzed. Did they drop the ball on stopping the largest gathering of terrorists in modern times?

OK WASSUP! discusses the top news today, 
including recent video footage of the largest and most 
dangerous gathering of al Qaeda terrorists in recent history.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. U.S. officials aren't talking publicly [….]

    Because just as you've pointed out DJ, "the U.S. government seems to have known nothing about it! –

    Did they drop the ball on stopping the largest gathering of terrorists in modern times? [….]

    I'm not sure what the U.S. government could have actually done to stop the gathering from taking place eventually(?) But they certainly should have been aware that it was going down.

  2. Al Qaeda continued to mobilize even though the US media and government said otherwise. They tried so hard to convince us that the head of the snake was cut off and we should not worry. Now they are appearing so shocked by this development. What they should be shocked by is their incompetency.

  3. You make a god point Stella, we were told that Al Qaeda is on the run just to find a video has surfaced that they are huddled in a mass planning operations. I am concerned that our government was not aware but then again, maybe this is to save face.

  4. This is very concerning and frightening. The world we live in is becoming more dangerous rather than safer. I begin to question what all the wars we fought were for.

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