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Black Girl Assaulted At Trump Rally

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Black girl assaulted at Trump rally
Black girl assaulted at Trump rally

Current Events –
Black Girl Assaulted At Trump Rally

Super Tuesday was a big night for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump — but it was horrific for a black girl in Kentucky.

Current Events
Shiya Nwanguma, a young, black University of Louisville student, was assaulted at a Trump rally in Louisville last Tuesday, by a gang of white supremacist Trump supporters who took issue with a black girl being in attendance. The entire ordeal was captured by video and shows Nwanguma being pushed and shoved as obscenities are hurled at her. The clip has since gone viral on social media and is only one in a series of violent actions against people of color at Trump rallies.

“I was called a n*gger and a c*nt and got kicked out,” Nwanguma said. “They were pushing and shoving at me, cursing at me, yelling at me, called me every name in the book. They were disgusting and dangerous.”

All the while, Donald Trump himself was shouting “get them out of here” during Nwanguma’s assault.

The attack occurred as Trump was giving his typical campaign speech about making America great again, which usually riles up the nearly all-white crowd.  At one point, several groups of black protesters, who were simply holding up signs, had their signs snatched and were cursed at by white Trump supporters surrounding them.

Many of Trump’s supporters are known bigots, Neo-Nazis, and white supremacists who belong to a variety of hate groups. Their social media profiles are full of Nazi photos, KKK and white supremacist references, with some of the most insulting and despicable hate speech imaginable.  So, their attack of a black girl during their “white” rally comes as no surprise.

Among the men involved in the incident was Joseph Pryor, a candidate for the U.S. Marine Corps whose application has since been denied following his video assault. Another man is Matthew Heimbach, who is a member of the Traditionalist Worker Party, a well-documented hate group. He is prominently seen in the video clip wearing a red cap and is the most aggressive toward Nwanguma.

Following the backlash, Heimbach took to Twitter to defend his actions, claiming that Black Lives Matter activists “comes to a Trump event to fight:”  He then posted a response on the Traditionalist Worker Party’s website, saying: “Statistically speaking, the myth of Blacks being targeted by law enforcement is untenable. In fact, if there’s a reckless disregard for human life and culture of violence to be found, it’s to be found in America’s Black community.”

Interestingly, the Traditionalist Worker Party, which has been referred to as a “Neo-Nazi” and “white supremacist” group, also took to Twitter to defend the notion that they are “White Nationalists.”

Black girl protest

Current Events
The attempt by Heimbach and his Traditionalist Worker Party to deflect charges of racism took a credibility hit when another black protester came forward. According to Chanelle Helm, the crowd of angry Trump supporters was so vicious, it was reminiscent of the type of hatred spewed during the height of the Civil Rights movement.

“In my entire life I had never had anyone look at me with such hate. It was like the videos and photos we’ve seen from the Little Rock 9 and other school integration moments from the 1950s and ’60s where the fury was palpable in the eyes of the white women,” she said.

Take a look at the horrendous video and see the events for yourself:




OK WASSUP! covers current events.  Today’s article:
A black girl was assaulted at a Kentucky Trump rally.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. (Sigh….)

    The video is so disturbing to me, I could barely stand to watch it.

    Trump is a dangerous man. He cares not a whit about anything…but winning. And whatever it takes for him to achieve that end……as far as he 's concerned.

    Heimbach and his ilk are racist white trash. One of these days he could find himself laying in the critical unit of a hospital (or worse) as a result of having put his hands on the wrong "n*gg*r."

    That said (and I know I'm about to step in it now.).

    I do NOT understand why Black protestors attend Trump rallies in the first place?! Especially knowing full well that Trump rallies tend to fall just short of being an all out Ku Klux Klan (or other White Supremacist) gathering held in public venues.

    When you attend a KK..errr…Trump rally, and you're a Black protestor, what is the purpose? And please don't say it's "freedom of expression."

    What (sane) Black person attends a Klan rally to "express" himself/herself? …with an expectation fo being treated civilly no less?! That's how foolish folk who mean well end up brutally assaulted or Dead.

    Re; The Civil Rights Movement

    Disrupting a KK…errr…Trump rally is in no way equal (in meaningful protest) to sitting at a public lunch-counter in segregated restaurants and stores; Or car-pooling and opting to walk (often times for miles) rather than be humiliated and forced to sit in the back of a bus; Or trying to enter a public High-school, college or university in the face of violence and insults.

    Not in my opinion anyway.

    1. Truth the reason they go is the same reason we crossed the bridge in Selma and sat in the front of the bus. Black folk go to KKK marches and protest so they know we don't accept that type of thinking. We can't sit around and let these Trump people say all they want and not stand up to it. My favorite thing Dr. King said was this. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.This girl was real brave to go protest peaceful like King did back in the day. We can't let hate go on and not be there to do something about it.

      1. Okay BD my friend…I've given this some more thought. I still haven't changed my mind but I do enjoy thoughful debate.

        Btw- I always feel I should disclose that I do not support the "BLM movement."

        And let me clarify that when I speak of today's Black protestors/ Black activists I'm speaking in general terms. Not singling out any particular Black activist group.

        So then….you said – "Black folk go to KKK marches and protest so they know we don't accept that type of thinking."

        But…don't they know that already? And Trump is not leading a parade of right-wing extremists as they march down the middle of "main-street" USA (which, IMO, would make him and his supporters fair game for peaceful protests). He's a presidential candidate who invites voters to come hear him speak at his rallies.

        Should he not be allowed to speak and express his views? matter who repugnant?

        1. A lot of people misunderstand Black Lives Matter and don't realize it's not just one group. There are a couple of them so it's not fair to not like them as one. Now regarding the protests I've never been the type to be quiet. When I see racism and hate going on I"m the type to stand up to it. Yes this is America and people can say what they want. But Trump is trying to become our president of all America. Since he wants that role he doesn't have to march down main street to be protested. He's already on main street just by running. His rally is public because he's running for public office. It's not like a private KKK rally and somebody bust in uninvited. We have a right to speak out on somebody wanting to be president.

          1. "We have a right to speak out on somebody wanting to be president."

            Yes we do. And honestly BD this is where I really struggle with in all this – how do I exercise my rights without restricting the same rights of others? (no matter how much I may be repulsed by that person and his/her words)

   the goal of the protests to shut Trump down? To not let him speak at all? Or is it just to object to the crap he's spewing?

            And what about the people who show up at his rallies with the expectation of hearing him speak? (they're not all haters and nutjobs)…are they not worthy of any consideration?

            I'm trying BD…..believe me. I'm really trying hard to figure out what is right in all this..

          2. Protesting Trump didn't shut down the rally. I used the example before of black people on a bus. Us protesting and sitting in the front didn't stop the bus from running. Trump can say whatever he want and people can listen as long as they want. But we can also not like it and protest it. I guess we have to agree to disagree on this one friend.

          3. "I guess we have to agree to disagree on this one friend. "

            And that's alright. I sincerely Thank You for our exchanges, as always. .

  2. "The Violence to Come"


    What will happen to American politics if, as now appears likely, the Republican Party nominates Donald Trump? Here’s one bet: It will get more violent.

    The United States is headed toward a confrontation, the likes of which it has not seen since 1968, between leftist activists, who believe in physical disruption as a means of drawing attention to injustice, and a candidate eager to forcibly put down that disruption in order to make himself look tough. The new culture of physical disruption on the activist left stems partly from disillusionment with Barack Obama. In 2008, Obama’s election sparked unprecedented excitement among young progressives. But that excitement was followed by deep disillusionment as it became clear that even a liberal black president could not remedy the structural injustices afflicting people of color.

    Between now and November, Trump could hold hundreds more rallies, many in areas with large African American and Latino populations, in an atmosphere of mounting hysteria as Election Day nears. The young left-wing militants who have already braved danger in places like Ferguson, and who hold their more conflict-averse elders in contempt, are unlikely to stop their disruptions. Trump will keep baiting and threatening them because it’s how he rouses his fans.

    How will Americans react if something truly terrible happens? Given the events of recent months, it’s impossible to know. [..] – Peter Beinhart, writer at The Atlantic

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