Top 10 Stupid Things List – 2023

Let’s face it: the world engages in some very stupid activities and schools of thought. So, let’s take a look at the Top 10 Stupid Things most people succumb to in their lives.
Entertainment :
Some would say listening to the advice of a total stranger (just because they happen to be a social media “influencer”) is pretty stupid. Others might say multiple cups of coffee all day long is a darn stupid habit. Both are arguable. However, we don’t consider them THE most stupid things of all time.

Let’s take a look at our Top 10 Stupid Things list:

Despite more than 600,000 cancer-related deaths in 2022 and thousands more getting hooked on the nicotine habit but then not understanding why they’re unable to quit, people continue the crazy idea of picking up a cigarette “just to try it” before finding themselves chained to the expensive addiction. STUPID!
Shampoo bottle directions: Apply shampoo to hair, lather, repeat.
Bag of peanuts label: WARNING: this product may contain nuts.


How is it that in 2023, professional athletes make millions of dollars per year, but school teachers make about $65,000 per year (and regularly need to take a 2nd job just to make ends meet)? STUPID!
From coast to coast, highways (built in the 1950s) have turned into parking lots due to the sale of too many cars and not enough focus on shared and public transportation. STUPID!

If anyone was wondering why New York City hasn’t seen a flake of snow since March of 2022, or why fish are suddenly washing up dead on beaches, they’d need to look no further than pollution and global warming. STUPID!

At this very moment, the United States, Russia, China, and other world powers have massive nuclear weapons aimed at every single one of us. A ramped-up war, accidental deployment, or nefarious hack could launch one of these nuclear warheads and annihilate the entire human race in a matter of seconds. STUPID!

From innocent bystanders being felled by a stray bullet inside the privacy of their homes to young school children being mowed down by automatic assault weapons while sitting in a classroom, guns have to be one of the dumbest creations ever invented.
No wonder Mikhail Kalashnikov (the inventor of the AK-47) completely regrets his invention.
The fact that people actually believe every single person who ever lived (or ever will live) and was supposedly born under a specific zodiac sign all share the exact same traits is laughable.

The sad part is that these people completely ignore how the world exists under multiple calendars (including the Gregorian, Jewish, Islamic, Indian, Chinese, etc.) and that the zodiac was invented during a time when our calendar operated on a 10-month system but now operates on a 12-month system — which means the signs no longer align correctly to make sense even if there is any truth to them. STUPID!
If you’ve ever wondered why some people say you should never discuss politics or religion, the answer is simple. Each topic is horrifically divisive.

Most people are conditioned with the concepts of political parties and religious doctrines from birth. So, it’s not surprising when they regularly grow up spouting those conditioned sentiments as fact and as their personal belief system — even if they never once sat down and thought about it for themselves. STUPID!
Whoever came up with the concept of reality television is beyond rich — but has made those of us who watch it beyond dumb.

The concept is always exactly the same: gather a group of (usually female) people in a group. Make sure they are all housewives, basketball wives, doctor’s wives, etc. (it really doesn’t matter). Then pit them against each other so that they spend an hour every week arguing, fighting, and basically degrading women and people of color while embarrassing themselves on national television. STUPID!
Well, there you have it. Can you think of any more Top 10 Stupid Things?
OK WASSUP! discusses Entertainment:
The Top 10 Stupid Things most people do.
Interesting topic DJ, especially since we live in America where sadly people doing “Stupid things” that truly wreck their lives has become, more and more, the norm.
I’m in agreement with your list but with just a word regarding 2 things you point out:
1. “Some would say listening to the advice of a total stranger (just because they happen to be a social media “influencer”) is pretty stupid.”
Yep. count me in the number. But I would say listening to the advice of a total stranger period…AND THEN acting upon that stranger’s advice without some Serious Serious thought is not only Stupid but can be Dangerous!
SEE: British “mental health blogger Beth Matthews dies after ingesting poison she ordered from Russia” – New York Post and other news media, Jan. 19, 2023.
This is a pretty good list. I agree with almost all of it, especially the housewives. I hate those shows.
Move over Wil because I’m right there with you. I can’t stand those shows!
2. “If you’ve ever wondered why some people say you should never discuss politics or religion, the answer is simple. Each topic is horrifically divisive”
I absolutely agree! Each topic is indeed “horrifically divisive.”
When it comes to politics, I’m mindful of how I deal with the subject – meaning, I’m Civil but also straightforward with my words.
However when it comes to religion, I’m much more mindful of how I deal with that subject – meaning, I’m Civil and straightforward but will take into account the sensitivities of the person(s) I’m interacting with. The only exception being White christian nationalists. I don’t give a fig about offending those hateful, racist and phony-azz people!
And btw, when I say White christian (small c) nationalists, that includes the “religious reich.”