FBI May Be Watching You Via Webcam
Latest Technology In Computers
We’ve all heard that hackers have long been able to tap into WiFi networks and spy on you and your family without your knowledge. Well, hackers aren’t the only ones who may be watching you.
According to The Washington Post, the FBI has had the ability to secretly activate a computer’s camera “without triggering the light that lets users know it is recording” for years now. HUH???
That means that whenever you were naked and stepping out of the shower, or were making love, or were sleeping, or even picking your nose — if a webcam was in the room with you, you may not have been alone!
Latest Technology In Computers
Marcus Thomas, the former assistant director of the FBI’s Operational Technology Division, told the Post that webcam snooping is “mainly” used in terrorism cases or the “most serious” of criminal investigations. But do we really believe that as truth??
Although it may seem like overkill, it’s time to protect yourself from snooping eyes when you least expect it. Take a simple piece of masking tape and place it over the webcam on your computer. When you need to use the webcam, simply remove it and replace again when you’re done. Next, place a simple piece of paper over or in front of the webcam on your tablet or smartphone. This most basic blocking of webcams is the cheapest and most effective way to assure your privacy — and to keep hackers and the FBI out!
I am not surprised. Years ago people were warned that the cable companies were watching thru the cable boxes. That signal was a digital signal. Then the entire signal of television was turned digital. What do you think that was for? It certainly wasn't for the consumer benefit it was to allow easier and more wide range of spying on you. So, to think they spy thru a web cam, that makes perfect since. You might want to uninstall that web cam that is what I did. And you may want to keep tabs on what you do in front of that smartphone. There is more to the name of "smart"phone than you think.