Fourth Of July Terrorism?
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Fourth Of July Terrorism?
Summer is finally here. It’s the Fourth of July weekend. So, what could possibly spoil this perfect weekend? Terrorism!
Americans must remain vigilant to the threat of a terrorist attack this Independence Day weekend. So says Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee.
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On Sunday, McCaul warned of the increased chatter on social media that indicates terrorists may be planning to strike during Fourth of July celebrations.
“I am extremely concerned that Syrian and ISIS recruiters can use the Internet at lightning speeds to recruit followers in the United States…and then activate them to do whatever they want to do,” McCaul said in a Fox News interview. “Whether it’s military installations, law enforcement or possibly a Fourth of July event parade.”
McCaul also noted that the Islamic State has called for terrorist acts during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, which happens to coincide with America’s Fourth of July holiday.
“I think given these confluence of events we’re being on the cautious side here to warn the public to remain vigilant – to enjoy the Fourth of July parades, but remain vigilant during these celebrations,” McCaul said.
Following terrorist attacks last Friday in Tunisia, Kuwait and France, federal authorities have issued the severe warning to local law enforcement officials. Despite no specific or credible threat of attack, the intelligence bulletin from the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI alerted local authorities to remain in a heightened state of readiness throughout the country.
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Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y), who is a senior member of the House Intelligence Committee, echoed McCaul’s warning in an appearance on ABC’s This Week.
“There’s probably more concern now than at any time since 9/11,” King advised, adding that the concern is not just about “lone wolf” terrorists who may be inspired by social media, but rather a potential for coordinated attacks.
“ISIS is incomparable as far as terrorist organizations (in using social media),” King said. “It can reach the disaffected, the deranged, and the ideologically committed.”
King referenced a recent series of arrests of suspected terrorists in New York City as evidence of what is happening. Last month, 3 New York men were arrested in connection with an alleged plot to set off pressure-cooker explosives in New York City, similar to the one used during the 2013 Boston Marathon.
Americans are being reminded to celebrate and enjoy the Fourth of July holiday, but to remain vigilant and alert. Passengers on subways, buses and trains, as well as bystanders at parades are cautioned to pay attention to unattended bags. Americans are also advised to remember “If you see something, say something.” Remaining silent or not wanting to get involved could be a costly mistake.
DJ this post is so timely given what I just witnessed this morning concerning the "BREAKING NEWS" report of an alledged "active shooter" on the loose at the D.C. Navy Yard.
I watched in sheer horror the response by First – the news media, hyping everything to the 10th degree based on little to NO actual facts; and 2nd – multiple law enforcement agencies at every level (local, state, federal and military) ALL descending at the SAME time, at the SAME location in reposne to a SINGLE alledged incident….which now appears to have been based on NOTHING more than "maybe"…or "perhaps"…a possible TWEET or some other form of social-media!?!
As of me writing this, they haven't yet found anyone who claims to have heard any shots being fired at all..!!!
In short – the response looked like a masssive mess!!! …while literally the rest of D.C. was left UNprotected (except for the White House).
Frankly if ANY of our enemies (foreign or domestic) were watching this….and you can bet they were….they saw exactly what I saw; a new blue-print for how to totally muck with Us!.
Just. Unbelievable.
I'm always on the lookout. I was waiting for a bus the other day and I saw a bag left by somebody. I immediately checked around and found out the woman just went to get a bottle of water. But we can't slack in this day and age. I know some people think we shouldn't react everytime we hear about a threat but we have to. Because that one time we don't and let our guard down is when they get us. Always be alert.
I don't mind them reacting BD. We DO have to be vigilant and respond accordingly.
But what bothered me was the WAY they reacted. It looked a complete mess. And all the while I kept thinking to myself (God forbid it was some kind of an attack) WHO is guarding the rest of the city?!
I gotta agree with Truthiz1.This terrorism BS has gotten out of hand. These fkin terrorists have us by the balls and we jump every time they yell boo. Grow a pair and quit running around like little girl scardy cats.