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FOX Anchor: ‘Jesus and Santa Are White!

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Fox News Anchor: ‘Jesus and Santa Are White!”
For those of us living on the right side of sanity, we know that the anchors and hosts over at Fox News are usually pretty whacko.  However, no one could have predicted just how far on the dark side of the moon one anchor actually is.

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During a recent segment, Fox anchor Megyn Kelly spoke of Aisha Harris, who frequently wondered as a young African-American girl why Santa Claus was always depicted as white.  Harris suggested that Santa should probably look a lot more multicultural — sort of like a penguin — but Megyn Kelly was having none of it.

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Chastising Aisha Harris for even having such a thought, Kelly barked into the camera: “For all you kids watching at home, Santa just is white.”

Now, if that wasn’t enough to make her go crawl under a rock for all of eternity, Kelly decided to double down on her dumbness and actually raise the stakes on stupidity.

Current Events
“Jesus was a white man, too,” Kelly added.  “It’s like we have, he’s a historical figure that’s a verifiable fact, as is Santa, I just want kids to know that. How do you revise it in the middle of the legacy in the story and change Santa from white to black?”


Again, for those of us living on the right side of sanity, we know that Santa Claus is not white.  Nor is he black or green or purple, because he DOESN’T EXIST!!!  Apparently, Megyn Kelly missed that memo.

Hilariously and sadly all at the same time, the other Fox anchors and guests who were part of the same segment looked on in total silence with glazed over faces, as if they were all part of some Jim Jones cult and ready to drink the Kool-Aid.

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Since Kelly’s racist rant over the Anglo-Saxon ethnicity of Santa and Jesus Christ, social media and sane citizens have been having a field day at her expense.  So, in a pathetic Junior High School-esque attempt to save face, Kelly has since taken to the airwaves to announce that she was only “joking” about Santa and Jesus being white.  She also pulled the “it’s not me, but you” card and blamed all of us who didn’t quite care for her remarks as lacking any genuine sense of humor.  Hmmm…

Kelly’s remarks set off a firestorm of criticism and debate across the country, even causing a Cleveland High School teacher to follow suit and tell a black student not to dress up as Old St. Nick, because “Santa Claus is white.”  WOW!

If you haven’t already seen the hugely embarrassing segment of Megyn Kelly, take a look down below. As always, chime in at the end and tell us what you think of the unbelievable “IGNORACISM.”

OK WASSUP! follows the latest current events, 
including bizarre remarks from a Fox News anchor that 
Santa Claus and Jesus Christ are both verifiably white.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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