Comments on: Fox News Addresses Ebola Truths News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:52:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthizz Fri, 17 Oct 2014 14:25:31 +0000 And on a related note this morning (Fri. Oct. 17th)….

"Dallas Health Care Worker Who Handled Specimen From Ebola Victim Quarantined On Cruise Ship"

WASHINGTON (AP) — Obama administration officials said a Dallas health care worker who handled a lab specimen from a Liberian man who died from Ebola is self-quarantined on a Caribbean cruise ship and is being monitored for infection.

State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said in a statement Friday that the woman had shown no signs of the disease and has been asymptomatic for 19 days.

The government is working to return the woman and her husband to the U.S. before the ship completes its cruise. The White House said the State Department was working to secure their transportation home.

An administration official who was not authorized to be named and requested anonymity said the cruise ship had stopped in Belize but officials there would not allow the passenger to leave the vessel. […..]

Really. You cannot make this stuff up….smh.

By: Mr. BD Thu, 16 Oct 2014 17:18:00 +0000 I agree with you Truth that the CDC leader and others haven't been all the way truthful with us. But I get what Shepard was trying to do. There's a lot of people panicking about Ebola right now and he was basically trying to calm the public from completely losing it. There's a lot of old white people who watch that channel and believe everything they hear and they needed to calm down. Fox is known for stirring things up as much as possible so it was good to see them do something responsible for a change.

By: Truthizz Thu, 16 Oct 2014 16:09:05 +0000 Frankly, IMO, to the degree that a sane and intelligent voice exist on Fox Noise, it's Shepard Smith.

And I absolutely agree with him regarding the Flu and why we should definitely be concerned about the harmful, even deadly, impact it continues to have on the lives of thousands of Americans each year.

Now…having said all that. I find Shep's dismissive take on Ebola's potentially devastating impact on America to be almost as arrogant and offensive as those who engage in the deliberate Overhyping of that deadly disease. I'm equally turned off by Shep's belief that we should trust our government's claim that *We* are prepared to handle an Ebola outbreak…when I've seen nothing…NOT one responsible act…over the past 3 weeks to suggest that THAT is indeed true.

In fact, now that we know that the CDC actually gave the 2nd nurse permission to get on a commercial plane and fly to Cleveland_and then back to Dallas_even though she told them she had a fever!?! …smh…only adds to my perception of the folks over at the CDC (to say nothing of the folks running Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas) being little more than the Keystone Cops.

And I honestly don't care what Shep says. I say, on THIS matter (Ebola)…..We. AIN'T. Ready.
