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Fox News Defrauded By Fake Analyst

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Fox News Fake Wayne Simmons

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Fox News Defrauded By Fake Analyst

No, say it ain’t so. The man who served for years as a guest Terrorism Analyst for Fox News has been exposed as a fraud and is likely going to jail.

Fox News Wayne Simmons MAIN

Current Events
Last week, a grand jury indicted 62-year-old Wayne Simmons for posing as an “Outside Paramilitary Special Operations Officer” for the Central Intelligence Agency from 1973 to 2000. With his trial set to begin February 23rd, Simmons faces charges of major fraud against the United States, wire fraud and making false statements to the government. If convicted, he could very well end up spending the rest of his life behind bars.

Somehow, conservative con-man Simmons walked into the offices of Fox News and convinced network honchos he was a retired CIA operative. Being the sharp minds that they are, Fox News gave their “official” colleague a recurring spot on the airwaves to denounce President Obama and everything he represents.

“This president clearly has absolutely no idea what he is talking about,” Simmons said of President Obama’s handling of ISIS, during a televised appearance last March. He then went on to display his “expertise” as an intelligence officer by serving up hawkish red meat on a silver platter, to an audience that was hungry for any opportunity to devalue the president. “We could end this in a week,” he continued, adding his opinion that the United States should run “thousands of sorties” against ISIS. “They would all be dead.”

As always, the rabid audience of Fox News viewers lapped up his words like a dehydrated dog on a summer day. It was this rise in popularity that made Simmons a fixture on the network, alongside a regular cast of retired military officers. This fame (as well as calling President Obama the “Boy King”) got Simmons invited into the special “military-analysts program.” Concocted by conservatives, the program recognized Simmons and other retired officers for making names for themselves as television-news commentators. Simmons and the others were frequently rewarded with invitations to attend regular briefings from Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and to make trips to Iraq and Guantanamo Bay.

With his newfound celebrity, Simmons rolled the dice and went on to write The Natanz Directive, a novel about a retired CIA agent called back for his final hurrah. When the book was published, Donald Rumsfeld delivered rousing praise via a blurb in the book: “Wayne Simmons doesn’t just write it. He’s lived it.”

The only problem — it was all a lie.


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Fox News was so hungry to find anyone with an official title willing to challenge President Obama and his every move on national TV, that they forgot one very important step: to actually check credentials.

During the 27 years that Simmons claimed to have been a member of the CIA, he actually ran a limousine service, a gambling operation and an AIDS-testing clinic; worked for a hot-tub business, a carpeting company and a nightclub; and briefly played defensive back for the New Orleans Saints. Along the way, he accrued criminal convictions, including multiple DUIs and charges for weapons possession and assault, as well as an arrest for attacking a cab driver in Annapolis, Maryland, in 2007.

Last October, the U.S. Government charged Simmons with multiple counts of fraud, proving he never worked for the CIA at all. Prosecutors argued that Simmons used his supposed intelligence experience not only to secure time on Fox News and audiences with Donald Rumsfeld, but also to obtain work with defense contractors, including deployment to a military base in Afghanistan — all at the invitation of his fellow conservatives who were impressed with his Fox star-power.

Had Fox News never given Wayne Simmons a television platform with a national audience, he may have never been able to bolster fictitious claims of being a retired CIA operative. However, his bogus tale is only fitting, coming for a network known as a fake, a fraud and a phony.

Hey, Faux News…great job (as usual) at actually checking facts. Keep up the good work!


Fox News comedy






OK WASSUP! covers current events. Today’s article:
Fox News allows fake analyst on TV for years.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. HAH…smh.

    Thanks to the puppet-Masters of Faux Noise, right-wing talk-radio and the Republican party (the upper 1% Super-rich cretins who have sought to politically destroy Our President and undermine his efforts to effectively lead Our nation and address the needs of "We The People.")……THIS is what so-called Republican "conservatism" has come to symbolize in America.

    Hate-mongering, cynical, FAKE-azz, dim-wits.

    And they wonder how it is that Trump has effecttively taken over that party!?!

    I had not heard about this story DJ. Thanks for posting it.

  2. I never heard about this either and it's hilarious. They were so so happy that a CIA man was willing to diss Obama in public they forgot to make sure he was real. Or maybe they didn't even care. LOL you can't make this stuff up with Fox.

  3. Evidently Faux Noise tried to ignore this whole story but that became impossible. But here's the thing……

    Thus far, the only host to offer an apology for having that guy on his show is Neil Cavuto even though the guy has appeared on several different Faux Noise shows.

    JMG reader:
    Is anyone really surprised that the people who not only are obsessed with security but claim to be part of the group that will make America more secure get hoodwinked by the most absurdly transparent cons? Consider also the cases of "Curveball," the Iraqi defector whose claims that Saddam Hussein was building WMDs was used by the Bush Administration to justify war, and William Bradford, the tough-guy West Point professor who lied about his military record. For all their advocacy of the security state, these institutions subject their people to less scrutiny than I had to pass to be a part-time cargo handler at FedEx PRE- 9/11. […]

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