Passwords Will Soon Be Dead, Thanks To Apple

Passwords designed to sign you into everything from your bank account to your favorite sports blog have become the bain of everyone’s existence. Now, thanks to Apple, the old password will soon be a thing of the past.
Once upon a time, we could all go to any website, find the info we wanted and leave. Then, companies discovered the password and found a way to force you to sign-in and out so they could track your every move and target you with ads. Soon, Facebook and Google both got into the act — allowing you to sign-in via their social media sites. However, the problem was only made worse since Facebook and Google could also track your every move across the web and target you with ads.
For the average person, having to remember dozens of user names and passwords for the sites we frequent has caused most of us to reuse the same password over and over again — a practice that has proven to be a gold mine for hackers.
Well, this week, Apple said ENOUGH!
On Monday, the makers of the iPhone introduced “Sign-In with Apple,” a feature that will make Facebook and Google sign-ins obsolete and will finally kill off the dreaded concept of passwords.
Starting this fall, whenever you visit a website you will have the option to Sign-in with Apple. If you already have an Apple device and you’re used to facial recognition technology opening your device and websites for you, Apple sign-in will work the same as always. However, if you don’t have an Apple device, you can simply create an Apple account and Apple will handle all sign-ins for you across the web from now on. No more need to enter a user name. No more need to enter a password. Apple will take care of it all for you.
Why is this better than Facebook or Google sign-in, you ask? Well, the difference here is that Apple won’t track you, Apple won’t store the sites you visit and other data and Apple won’t bombard you with ads. Your privacy will remain YOUR privacy.
As an added bonus for those websites requiring your email address, Apple will generate spoof forwarding addresses for you to keep you anonymous and halt hundreds of emails from companies you don’t wish to hear from.
If you’re one of the millions from around the world who already owns an Apple device, uses Apple Music, or subscribes to some other Apple service, you’re already set up to take advantage of Sign-in with Apple. However, if you don’t yet have an Apple account, it will be incredibly easy to set-up and you’ll never have to worry about user names or passwords again.
“… the difference here is that Apple won’t track you, Apple won’t store the sites you visit and other data and Apple won’t bombard you with ads. Your privacy will remain YOUR privacy.” – DJ
Uh-huh. Or so Apple claims. Call me skeptical but I don’t trust Any big IT company. Way too much opportunity for supposed “Unintended” consequences (which was actually intended) to the detriment of millions of trusting users. However, that said.
If…and that’s a big IF…Apple is being on the up-and-up with their new option then that will definitely be a good thing. Time will certainly tell.