FOX NEWS: ‘Obama Is Leading’
Quick! Somebody turn on The Weather Channel and tell me, did hell actually freeze over??
After an extremely rare moment of truth from FAKE Fox News, one might think the world was indeed coming to an end. Thankfully, it isn’t.
Late last week, Faux News reluctantly admitted that President Obama is leading by 7 percentage points in 2 critical “must win” states: Ohio (49%-42%) and Virginia (50%-43%). In Florida, Mr. Obama is leading Romney 49%-44%. Among Hispanic voters nationwide, Mr. Obama is ahead of Romney 66% to 26%.
“Majorities of voters are unhappy with how things are going in the country, yet in all three states more say they trust Obama than Romney to improve the economy,” Fox said. But their words were perhaps more powerful than they know.
Even in a bad economy, the man who should be beatable (President Obama) is actually leading by wide margins, which is horrific news for the Romney campaign.
Oh well…sorry Fox. Speaking the words that President Obama is winning probably threw you into a massive choking fit, but the truth is the truth!