Currently in trial at the Singapore airport, this long-awaited technological concept consists of multiple 20 foot-long tunnels that all traveler’s will casually walk through, embedded with high tech sensors that will scan clothes, shoes, and luggage for contraband. The tunnel walk should take each passenger only a matter of a few seconds and will be so unobtrusive, most may forget they’re even being scanned.
There will be 3 tunnels: one for prescreened/known passengers, one for low-risk passengers, and one for higher-risk passengers. The TSA will determine who is low risk and who is high risk and embed the information in a readable chip in a passport or other form of identification. A retinal scan will also match the person with the ID and determine which tunnel he or she must go through.
So instead of manual searches which make you feel more like a criminal instead of a vacationer, technology will provide a 20 foot futuristic tunnel to check you and your carry-ons. If something seems amiss, a red light will quietly alert the TSA official on the other side of the tunnel to pull you aside for a more thorough check. But if all goes well, you’d be able to simply walk through the tunnel and to your gate with ease.