Fox News and the ReTrumplicans have been fixing for a fight of late, fearmongering their base into the misguided belief that a “boogeyman” is coming for them and their way of life — an act they’re calling Anti-White Mania.
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It’s been a tough week for Donald Trump and his MAGA minions, QAnon conspiracy proponents, and white supremacist nut jobs. In Michigan, Republican senators released a report eviscerating Trump’s big voter fraud lie. In Georgia, a judge halted Trump’s hopes to examine nearly 150,000 mail-in ballots. In New York, Trump-flunkie Rudy Giuliani was suspended from practicing law in the state. And across the country, discussions on critical race theory have taken hold and gained traction.
So, how have ReTrumplicans responded? They’ve taken their meltdown to the media.
Late last week, Fox News personality Tucker Carlson launched a battle against “antiwhite racism” and introduced the nation to a new phrase: anti-white mania.
Having already claimed that educators are teaching “race hate” in schools and that the Democratic Party is carrying out a massive racial “replacement” plot to swap America’s majority-white electorate with “more obedient voters from the third world,” Carlson ramped up his racial paranoia with the theory that anti-white mania is overtaking America and leading the nation toward an all-out race war.
“The question is, and this is the question that we should be meditating on day in and day out, is how do we get out of this vortex, this cycle, before it’s too late? How do we save this country before we become Rwanda?” Carlson barked.
“Given that Carlson was flanked by an onscreen graphic that read “ANTI-WHITE MANIA” during the segment, his choice reference to the East African genocide—which led to the deaths of as many as 800,000 people, mostly of a minority ethnic group—was clearly an implied way of warning his audience that the teaching about systemic racism could result in a similar slaughter of white Americans.” – Vanity Fair
If Carlson’s anti-white mania rant wasn’t enough, he then launched into a tirade against General Mark Milley, the current Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who spoke against growing white rage in America by saying “I want to understand white rage, and I’m white.”

“White rage is not a medical condition. It’s not even a legitimate academic theory,” Carlson contended. “It doesn’t exist.”
“White rage is a racial attack,” he continued. “So here you have the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in a congressional hearing leveling a race attack against American citizens, the guy who’s supposed to be protecting our country.”
“That is disgraceful. It’s disqualifying. It’s without precedent. We shouldn’t have a chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who attacks Americans based on their skin color. It’s disgusting,” he added.
Carlson’s anti-white mania remarks were only the opening act for Republicans, as QAnon conspiracy theorist Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene took it from there with an unprovoked attack against Latina Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in Georgia on Saturday.

AOC is “the little communist from New York City”, Greene said amid boos from the crowd and calls to lock her up. “Right. Yeah, lock her up too, that’s a good idea.”
“She’s not an American,” Greene continued against her congressional colleague, who was born in the Bronx. “She really doesn’t embrace our American ways.”
Calling AOC a “communist” who’s “not an American” and doesn’t embrace “our” American way is a blatant dog-whistle for White Americans to stay alert and beware.
Rep. Ocaso-Cortez took the attack in stride with a simple response: “I’m taller than her!”
First of all, I’m taller than her
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) June 27, 2021
While Democrats are busy making sure COVID vaccine shots are going into arms, the right to vote is protected throughout the country, America’s infrastructure is being rebuilt and maintained, and more, Republicans are continuing their losing battle of relitigating the 2020 presidential election, attacking members of Congress and military leaders with childish names, pretending that racism is a figment of our imaginations, and warning White Americans that anti-white mania is coming for their way of life and will soon turn the US into a Rwanda-like 3rd world country.
Is this what the once-Grand Ol’ Party has become? How the mighty have fallen!
[While Democrats are busy making sure COVID vaccine shots are going into arms, the right to vote is protected throughout the country, America’s infrastructure is being rebuilt and maintained, and more, Republicans are continuing their losing battle of relitigating the 2020 presidential election, attacking members of Congress and military leaders with childish names, pretending that racism is a figment of our imaginations, and warning White Americans that anti-white mania is coming for their way of life and will soon turn the US into a Rwanda-like 3rd world country.
Is this what the once-Grand Ol’ Party has become? ] – DJ
These fools and all their bs is going to cause some violence against somebody if they are not careful. Too bad they stand for nothing but conspiracy and lies instead of doing something for the country.
Constant fearmongering (scaring white people) is all Tucker Carlson and his ilk have got left. With every passing day, they grow more and more desperate in their attempts to try to rally the majority of white Americans to their FAKE-azz causes.
But they can’t seem to get beyond 30-35% support.
Right wingers know that emerging demographics are NOT on their side. And they know that most White Americans scare very easily so they’re grasping at all kinds of BS to try to turn back the hands of time and hang onto power.
But they can see it and they can feel it. In the words of Bob Dylan……….
“The Times They Are A Changing.” (song 1964)
Hey Truth the Repubs stand for nothing. They already know the only way they can win elections is to push fear into white people. Without the fear they have no type of plan to make anybody vote for them.