Comments on: GABBY’S NEW LOCKS News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:55:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Mon, 20 Aug 2012 12:57:31 +0000 <span>"A variety of critics complained that Gabby's ponytail was — well — a mess during her competitions."   And sadly DJ, most, if not all_of the criticism came from BLACK-American females who, for some reason couldn't appreciate the Historical significance of what this young lady had just achieved. BLACK-American females who for some reason chose to post their insensitive comments on Twitter and other popular online social-media sites for ALL the world to see rather than privately discuss the matter among themselves AWAY from the internet!?!   Was I happy with Gabby's hair during the Olympics? NO. I'm a proud Black-American female. My maternal grandmother began teaching me how to take care of my hair at age 9. Doing hair was NOT my mother's *thing* but she did her best in keeping my hair done EVERY day.    Personally, I don't see why Gabby's mom couldn't have helped Gabby a bit with her hair? (it was THE OLYMPICS for goodness sake!)   But for critics to have been so focused on her hair, instead of her monumental achievement, just seem so mean, petty and small-minded to me. </span>
