Comments on: GADHAFI END IS NEAR! News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:56:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Mon, 22 Aug 2011 18:56:49 +0000 Hmm. That's an interesting theory BD.And I've gotta say this President is such a Master as wearing a poker-face and remaining "Cool" under all kinds of pressure that I'm hardly suprised anymore by any strategy he uses…lolBtw: This has NOT been a good 48 hrs for the President's enemies (Repubs, Racists and other assorted right-wing malcontents and NUTjobs).It appears that YET AGAIN the "Obama Doctrine" related to foreign policy (still a work in progress) emerges as a much more Intelligent and rational approach versus the "Play from the gut, shoot from the hip, pray to Jesus and leave the colossal mess for a competent Democrat to clean up" approach so typical of the Bush-Cheney administration and Repub right-wingers in general. Under Obama, bin-Laden is no more and Gadhafi is on his way OUT.Now if only the President can apply such insight and wisdom and (dare I say) BOLD Leadership on developing a viable JOBS plan to put American back to work at GOOD-PAYING JOBS…most Americans will vote him back in next Nov. Let his enemies raise all the H*LL they want.To heck with any more attempts to reason with those evil-azz people. Let them wallow in their Hate. The President MUST forge ahead and DO what is right for the country. LEAD. 

By: BD Mon, 22 Aug 2011 16:29:40 +0000 We had interesting water cooler talk at work today about all this. Somebody said the US had a bigger role than anybody knows and knew it was going down today. Thats why Obama went on vacation to look as detached as possible and can't be blamed. Might be true or not but was a interesting theory.

By: Truthiz Mon, 22 Aug 2011 12:45:43 +0000 I like this as expressed by a Daily Beast Commenter: I have no regrets IF Daffy is gone. It's not about looking tough or silly macho posturing, which is only for adolescents. Daffy was a madman and tyrant who oppressed his own people.   Obama's style seems to be paying off in this case since he is so low-key and low blood pressure that he gave Daffy no target to shoot at. If the objective was the end of the regime without any ground forces from us, then it was successful–militarily successful.   As too the aftermath, we never do nation building very well, so we should just help the Libyans do that–assisted by us.  If the Syrians wanted our help to do the same, I would do it. [….]Of course neoCON Repub Senators, McCain and Graham, commend OTHER world leaders but have nothing but criticism for President Obama:<span>“This achievement was made possible first and foremost by the struggle and sacrifice of countless Libyans, whose courage and perseverance we applaud. We also commend our British, French, and other allies, as well as our Arab partners, especially Qatar and the UAE, for their leadership in this conflict. Americans can be proud of the role our country has played in helping to defeat Qaddafi, but we regret that this success was so long in coming due to the failure of the United States to employ the full weight of our airpower.”</span><span></span><span>Umm. Wow. Just. Wow.</span>
