Comments on: GAY PRIDE, PARENTING, and MARRIAGE News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:58:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Tue, 29 Jun 2010 11:52:25 +0000 DJ:"DO YOU BELIEVE SEXUALITY IS A CHOICE?" Short answer: I believe in MOST cases the answer is No. "DO YOU BELIEVE GAY COUPLES SHOULD MARRY OR BE PARENTS?"I wouldn't say that gay couples "should" marry anymore than I'd say that straight couples should marry. But I certainly believe that gay couples "should" HAVE THE RIGHT to marry just as straight couples have that right.The same goes for adoption. I believe gay couples "should" HAVE THE RIGHT to adopt.Sidenote: I'm very concerned that "Children & Youth" agencies across this country have more-often-than-not FAILED children who end up either trapped in the system_or adopted out to parents who are in NO WAY fit to "parent" children.

By: frisco415 Mon, 28 Jun 2010 22:09:40 +0000 Spent the weekend in New York for Pride. So much fun.Of course I support gay marriage and gay adoptions. Why can't I marry whoever I want???? Just because you stop me from getting married doesn't stop be from being gay. HELLO
