We’ve all seen ant hills and mounds of dirt surrounding their homes in our backyards. However, you’ve never seen a giant ant colony like this!
Science :
In 2012, scientists uncovered a sophisticated underground ant city in Brazil that was estimated to have housed millions of the tiny little insects. The ant megalopolis stretched 500 square feet and reached 26 feet below the surface. Its massive underground roadways, pathways, and gardens were equivalent in size to the Great Wall of China, and took a month of excavating and 10 tons of concrete to fill in the holes on the surface that the ants used as air conditioning ducts.

Check out the video below and prepare to be amazed at the intelligence of ants and the power of Mother Nature.
OK WASSUP! discusses Science News:
Brazil’s giant ant colony revealed.
As a child, I remember seeing some rather large ant mounds, when my grandfather would take us “down home” to vist kinfolks in Alabama during school break every summer. And those mounds were impressive. But they were nothing compared to these massive structures!
Wow! Ants are obviously highly intelligent.
Thank you DJ for sharing this!
I just watched the video. That is crazy. Especially when you think about how long it takes a ant to carry one grain of sand from one place to the next. Also they have to be real smart to come up with a system like they do. Amazing.