
Gen Z Is Rewriting The Rules Of Life

- gender, grammar, relationships, and communication are changing

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No, you’re not imagining things. Yes, Gen Z is completely rewriting the rules of communication, grammar, gender, and the overall norms of life right under our very noses.

Lifestyle :
In case you haven’t noticed, Generation Z (born between 1997 and 2012) has created a completely different way of doing things. Their mentality is a strange mix of the actions from Millenials (born between 1981 and 1996) and Generation Alpha (born between the early 2010s and the early 2020s) and appear hell-bent on bucking trends, going against the grain, and refusing to conform to life’s “rules of the road.” 

For example, we’re all (happily) aware of how the younger generations have fully embraced same-sex attractions and relationships. However, we’re also familiar with their desire to eliminate gender (male/female, he/her) in favor of gender fluid or non-binary identities (they/them/theirs). They’re also deeply addicted to video games and their mobile devices and consider being a social media influencer as the epitome of success.

Let’s take a look at some of the life changes initiated by Gen Z:


Gen Z

Science be damned, Gen Z has resolved that genders are irrelevant and can be swapped in and out as easily as changing a pair of socks. For example, someone can be male today, female tomorrow, and non-binary (no gender) next week.  

This new generation has decided that the gender on their birth certificate is merely a “suggestion” and something they were “assigned” at birth that is not necessarily binding or factual. Or, in other words, they’ve chosen to ignore such things as an Adam’s Apple and the risk of prostate cancer (for males), or a monthly period and a womb with which to give birth (for females). As far as Gen Z is concerned, only they can decide their gender (or no gender at all) and they absolutely expect those around them to conform to calling them “he,” “she,” or “they” based on whatever gender they’re feeling for the day.


Gen Z

Another favorite of Gen Z is the “open relationship.” This is when 2 people commit to a serious relationship or marriage together — but then engage in non-emotional sex with anyone they please. There is no monogamy or exclusivity. Their heart is supposedly locked into the one person they’re in the relationship with, but their genitals are free to roam either solo or in a trio (along with their relationship mate).

Or, in other words, it’s basically anything goes!


Grammar and punctuation rules are completely nonessential to the new generation. Since they’re only used to texting and never having to actually write anything formal, they’ve adopted a type of shorthand that they all seem to understand and accept.

Run-on sentences without commas, periods, or even question marks are commonplace. And, regrettably (since practice makes perfect), many Gen Z’ers can’t write a cover letter for a job interview or compose a sentence on a job application to save their life.

Ask them to construct a legitimate sentence or conjugate a verb? FORGET ABOUT IT!


Gen Z

Another common practice among Gen Z is the complete and total abandonment of spelling. To them, the actual English language is ancient and outdated (read: DEAD). As long as a word “sounds” right and the reader can comprehend what the writer was attempting to say, that is acceptable.

Regrettably, this has given birth to a society of young people who genuinely don’t know the difference between YOUR and YOU’RE, or THERE, THEIR, THEY’RE. To them, the words all sound the same. So, texting it in whatever way it sounds is good enough for them.


For members of Gen Z, communication means sending a text. Engaging in an actual conversation (either in person or on the telephone) is unheard of, which means most young people have horrendous communication skills.

Gen Z

Some can text their family and friends for an entire year and actually believe they “talked” to them — even though they never once heard their voice or saw their face. And, for those rare few who do hold a telephone conversation with someone, it is either via FaceTime or with the other person on speaker phone as they hold the phone in their hand for everyone around them to hear.

Hold the phone up to your ear and have an actual telephone conversation? Visit a family member or friend in person and actually talk? FORGET ABOUT IT! 

Yes, Gen Z is a complex breed. They’ve made great strides by getting rid of the stigma of same-sex attractions and relationships. However, they’ve done themselves a complete disservice by ignoring how to write, spell, use grammar, and communicate.

So thanks, parents (of Gen Z’ers). Through your kids, you’ve created an… ahem… ‘interesting’ future.

OK WASSUP! discusses Lifestyle:
Gen Z and the generation of deficiencies.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Honestly DJ, I just had at least 3 separate conversations with 3 differeent people, this past weekend! And in all 3 conversations the other person was the one who brought up the subject.

    I think perhaps no generation of young people have been Failed so badly by so many adults than Gen Z!

    Beginning with their parents and then their communities, public AND private education, law enforcement, society in general, and their respective churches – if they even have a church(?) Everybody failed them!

    1. Hey Truth the thing is the parents did not raise them. They gave them McDonalds and let them go in the room and play video games all night. No type of home training either.

      1. You’re right BD, the parents are the ones most responsible for this colossal Failure!

  2. So now the evidence is Everywhere!

    America has now produced one, maybe two generations of young people who don’t know anything about anything and they don’t give a fig. Most of them have no pride, no ambition and no absolutely no shame.

    They are lost, confused, depressed, insecure, mentally and physically weak, self absorbed and ready for pretty much Nothing in the real world. Take away their cellphone and social-media for a day and watch their reaction!

  3. This generation sure is different. I do not get most of these things DJ mentioned. What is going on with the gender change? I know people are doing it and everybody is suppose to go along with it but it makes no sense to me. Then the fact they cannot communicate just makes them look dumb.

    1. Their gender confusion is made worse by parents who either completely ignore them or go along with the madness! And a medical industry driven by the love of money no matter the damage done to a young person’s life!

      BD it’s a tragic and sad state of affairs…smh!

  4. The thing I hate about this generation is they never learned respect. They walk in a room and say nothing to nobody. We have a intern here at work that does that and I have to remind her I did not spend the night with you. You walk in a room of grown people at least say good morning or something.

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