Comments on: Gender Roles: Should Male + Female Still Exist? News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 11 Oct 2017 11:12:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Wed, 11 Oct 2017 11:12:53 +0000 This topic is a doozie and I really had to sleep on it before responding……

I’ll start by saying this. I recognize there is a difference between “gender roles” versus “gender identity.” I also recognize the tremendous damage done to any child who may feel pressured to embrace certain gender roles and stereotypes, as assigned to that child by society, in general and by their parents, more specifically.

I thought about “race” from the perspective that we don’t get to decide what race we’re born into. However, parents DO have the power to determine the race of their child/children.

No one, not even parents, have the power to determine what a child’s NATURAL gender identity will be. And going from one extreme in parenting (and society at large) to another extreme in parenting can be just as damaging to a child. Which leads me with this question…….

Why are parents (or any adults for that matter) encouraging children one way or another on this? Why can’t WE (adults) just allow children to be children?

Just love them and let them grow-up to BE who they are going to be according to what comes natural to them.

By: Random White Guy Wed, 11 Oct 2017 05:23:14 +0000 Hell yeah male and female got to exist. Thats the way God made it. But I see what they’re trying to do here. If they get rid of male and female then they get rid of gay and straight. Then everybody would have to accept gay which is bullshit. I’m a man who likes women. I’m no fairy and I don’t want no fairy neither. I wanna know its a woman I’m with not somebody who thinks they’re a lady.

By: Corey Tue, 10 Oct 2017 18:21:08 +0000 You don’t get to pick the gender you want. This is stupid.

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 10 Oct 2017 13:57:54 +0000 In reply to Mr.BD.

Thanks to you bringing up the matter of “race” BD, I am now factoring that into my thinking along with a few other significant elements I view as essential when considering how I feel about this.

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 10 Oct 2017 12:46:06 +0000 Um…DJ. Let me first say – you are One. Brave. Guy!

I know that you know that THIS is the kind of topic that sets off the religious zealots. And yet, you went there?! Well I commend you on having the guts to do so. It’s potentially a mighty explosive subject-matter but you’ve not shied away from *touchy* topics before so just keep doing what you’re doing.

I’m gonna hold off sharing my thoughts about it for a little while because I’d really like to hear from other readers first. I’m hoping they’ll chime-in.
