George Floyd DEAD; Christian Cooper Racially Targeted
Racism has reared its ugly head yet again in America. This time with the police murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis and the racial targeting of Christian Cooper in New York City.
Far too often, racist white cops and racist white women have proven they have total disregard for the lives of African-Americans and particularly, African-American men. That’s why 4 white Minneapolis police officers and 1 white New York City female are all out of a job today and under investigation.
Let’s take a look at the facts:
The FBI is investigating the death of George Floyd, who was killed Monday evening in Minneapolis during an arrest gone bad. A bystander captured video of white police officer Derek Chauvin pinning George Floyd to the ground and kneeling on his neck for 7 minutes as Floyd pleaded “I Can’t Breathe” (which was, ironically, the same last words of Eric Garner, who was put into an illegal chokehold and killed by New York City police in 2014). Other officers were seen in the video standing by but doing nothing to help the man who was clearly in medical distress.
George Floyd lost consciousness on the street and his body went limp. He was dead.
After a day of protests and international attention, the 4 white police officers were fired on Tuesday. Mayor Jacob Frey of Minneapolis addressed the situation soon thereafter.
“Being black in America should not be a death sentence,” Mayor Frey said in a statement. “For five minutes, we watched a white officer press his knee into a black man’s neck. Five minutes.”
Even after paramedics were called and eventually arrived, Officer Chauvin still kept his knee on Floyd’s neck despite the man being motionless and unconscious.
It was another unnecessary death of a black man in America.
Christian Cooper, an African-American resident of New York City, was bird watching early Monday morning in Central Park when he encountered a woman who had unleashed her dog in an area that requires dogs to be kept on a leash. He asked the woman, Amy Cooper (no relation), to leash the dog but she refused. That’s when Christian Cooper pulled out his cell phone and recorded what happened next.
Apparently believing she was above the law, Amy Cooper became furious for being told to follow the rules and screamed at Christian Cooper that she was going to call the police — and she did.
“There’s a man, African American, he has a bicycle helmet. He is recording me and threatening me and my dog,” Amy Cooper told police on the phone. “I’m being threatened by a man in the Ramble. Please send the cops immediately!” she screamed.
Once the video went viral, Amy Cooper’s employers at Franklin Templeton opted to fire her for her race-baiting dramatic performance.
“I sincerely and humbly apologize to everyone, especially to that man, his family. It was unacceptable and I humbly and fully apologize to every who’s seen that video, everyone that’s been offended…everyone who thinks of me in a lower light and I understand why they do,” Amy Cooper said in a statement.
However, a Facebook user deciphered her “apology” in a different way:
I am sincerely and humbly apologizing only because I got caught being racist. If I was remotely sincere I would not be calling him “that man” but I really don’t care which is why although this is now a global story I never even took the time to learn his name. I don’t believe what I did was unacceptable. What IS unacceptable is that a Black man had the audacity to tell ME to follow the rules. Of course, I am concerned about people seeing me in a lower light because I have worked daily to craft the image of someone who is a decent human being and my mask fell off. It is not that I really care what I did, I just hate that the world sees me for who I truly am. It is for that VERY reason I made sure to say, “An African-American man is threatening me,” and of course my dog because nothing says send 10 police officers to my rescue like a Black man threatening a fragile White woman and her dog. I knew EXACTLY what I was doing, however, now I want the world to feel sorry for me. And since I am always allowed to be the victim, I am willing to play the part I have trained for all my life.
Sorry, Not Sorry,
A Racist Woman Who Is Only Apologizing Because I Got Caught Being Racist
Had Amy Cooper not pretended that she was being attacked by an “African-American” man, perhaps she would still have a job.
Monday was not a good day for black men in America. The events of that day proved that the coronavirus is not the only severe threat affecting African-Americans. Monday proved it’s open season on black men.
USE OF EXCESSIVE FORCE CAUGHT ON VIDEO. Minneapolis Police were nonchalant, inattentive and nonresponsive to George Floyd’s multiple pleas of “I CAN’T BREATHE!” even after he stopped movement!!! CLEARLY, FLOYD’S LIFE WAS SENSELESSLY TAKEN AWAY BY POLICE.
Amy Cooper, you brought this on yourself… “Life being destroyed…” AS IT SHOULD BE! Did you give a damn about the Black man’s life you were trying to destroy? Hell no! Cooper unnecessarily escalated an incident and made an exaggerated 911 call saying she and her dog were being threatened and she feared for her life… when in actuality she was asked by a Black man to observe the law and put the leash on her dog. The dog didn’t mind because it was being given dog treats!!! …another reason she was mad and yanking the dog around by its neck by the collar. This is a classic case of a White woman feeling “ENTITLED” because she had been confronted about and, politely, asked to not violate the park policy that all people are suppose to adhere to. It’s plain and simple… Thankfully, it was all recorded ‘cause it could’ve gone totally wrong if someone believed her lies.
Amen brother to both your comment
I hung back a bit in responding because I wanted to hear from other readers first.
[Monday was not a good day for black men in America. The events of that day proved that the coronavirus is not the only severe threat affecting African-Americans. Monday proved it’s open season on black men.] -DJ
THAT. Right there! That is the Truth I don’t give a d*mn how many white people TRY to deny it. It’s right there for everyone to SEE. It’s “open season on Black men.”
And YES! It’s all rooted in Racism.
That sentence said it all for me too.
I wanted to respond to this earlier then I felt like a loss for words. As a black man this is very defeating. The lady calling cops on the man in the park could have become the same situation like in Minnesota. All it takes is for a white cop that does not value black lives to abuse his power and we are right back to square one. I might have more to say later but this has really affected me.
In addition to Racism being at the root of both of these cases, I believe the psychological status of these cretins should be included as evidence.
Re: the cop who took Mr. Floyd’s life. To me it appears his INTENT was to crush the life out of Mr. Floyd…a BLACK man. He was so driven to do it that he did it in broad daylight while the whole gruesome act was being videotaped. Check his record. I’d bet there was all kinds of RED FLAGS on that cop long before now and his “partners” have stood around and watched him do all manner of really bad sh*t to helpless victims.
Re: Amy Cooper. I agree with David – This is a classic case of a White woman feeling “ENTITLED.”
Yep. And she also strikes me as perhaps being a headcase affected by some mixed type of Personality Disorder
NY Daily News:
When a viral video of a white woman calling cops on a black man “threatening” her in Central Park swept across social media Monday, two New York City dog walkers immediately recognized the main players in the racially-charged altercation — the woman, and her pooch.
As fast as the video spread — from Facebook and Twitter into the media — so too did the demand for the name of the woman who tried to get cops to arrest the avid birdwatcher moments after he’d asked her to put her dog on a leash.
Lindsey Cork, 31, and Kyle Stover, 30, knew her identity: Amy Cooper, of the Upper West Side. But would giving it up be the right thing to do?
Stover, who used to walk Cooper’s dog, Henry, and saw the video first, reached out to Cork, who had also walked Henry in the past.
Together, they made a decision.
“She helped me realize that we kind of need to call people out on these actions and speak out about this to show that New York does not stand for this kind of action,” Stover told the Daily News Tuesday.
‘“We’ve seen so many videos of people being shot or killed for less, and that’s terrifying, and like (Amy Cooper) either doesn’t understand the weight of her actions or words or she does, both of which are terrible,” he said.
For Cork, there was no doubt about what was the right thing to do — even knowing that it would bring swift and harsh reaction to Cooper, who was fired from her job as a vice president at Franklin Templeton Investments on Tuesday.
“If I know a person doing this, and I can identify them, I’m not going to just be quiet. I can’t. It’s against any kind of ethics I have,” said Cork, who outed Cooper on social media.
I held off saying something for awhile because I was feeling so many emotions at once! I was enraged: because day after day I see a black body in the street and it’s always one person that says what did he do or no one gets charged or goes to jail for it ! I was upset and hurt: for the black mother, daughter,father or brother that loss someone for dumb shit like jogging, selling cigarets, driving or not practicing social distancing or just for wearing their skin etc ! I was in fear: for my husband, son, brother, sister and daughter to leave the house and not knowing if they might not come home for the same exact reasons! I was pissed off: by just the pure ignorance of people who just either don’t care or could careless of what is going on! I’m sick: of my husband and I having to give the speech to my kids and not just my son about how to be humble and he should be the one to keep cool and follow exact instructions that the cop gives you while he has a gun pointed at you and even when he has you doing things that you know are against the law do it so you make it home!!! When a cop should be the one trained to handle the situation so that he doesn’t shoot an unarmed person! And question how do you expect a citizen to react to someone pointing a gun at you knowing that black men die in this situation?! I am stressed out and I am sure I’m not the only one! But as a black woman I wear so many hats so I can deal with it all! So as I let off this steam let me hang this hat up and put on my mom hat and cook dinner!
(side-thought)…Good to have a few more Readers sharing their voices!
BREAKING: Minneapolis Mayor: ‘Why is the man who killed George Floyd not in jail?’
Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey is calling for charges against the police officer seen on video with his knee on the neck of George Floyd.
“Why is the man who killed George Floyd not in jail?” Frey asked. “If you had done it, or I had done it, we would be behind bars right now.”
“We cannot turn a blind eye,” Frey said, calling on Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman to file charges against the officer two days after the incident. […] – NBC, ABC 5 KSTP Eyewitness News
(Sigh!) So this morning (Thurs) I awoke to THIS sorry news……..
‘Looting and flames erupt in Minneapolis amid growing protests over George Floyd’s death’
Looters hit the Lake Street Target and a nearby liquor store, and an AutoZone store was set ablaze.
[Anger over the death of George Floyd under a police officer’s knee spilled into the streets of Minneapolis for a second night Wednesday, intensifying well beyond Tuesday night’s unrest with a shooting death, widespread looting and a fire that shrouded the Lake Street neighborhood in smoke.
One person was fatally shot in the area where the protest was taking place late Wednesday, possibly by a pawnshop owner who said the person was looting his business. ] – Star Tribune
TAC (last night):
[BREAKING NEWS: Black Lives Matter protesters attacking police cars on 101 freeway in LA during #GeorgeFloyd protest @FOXLA ]
(Unintentionally) Pro-Trump Riots
What that officer did to George Floyd was horrifying. All four officers involved in the Floyd incident have been fired. The FBI is coming in to investigate. Trump said today he was going to expedite this investigation. The city’s mayor is calling on the DA to charge the officer who kept his knee on Floyd’s head as he suffocated. What more could be done at this point?
A local Minneapolis TV station featured footage tonight of a black community leader begging with the protesters to stop the violence, and to focus on justice. He’s right. Rioting and looting and attacking police cars is not going to do anything to bring accountability to George Floyd’s killers. If anything, that violence is going to help re-elect Donald Trump. […] – Rod. Dreher, TAC writer, May 27, 2020
Let me be clear. I do NOT agree with Rod’s conclusion that the rioting and looting currently taking place in Minneapolis and other cities – in the wake of the entire world having witnessed the horrifying MURDER of an Unarmed BLACK man man while he laid face-down AND handcuffed, BEGGING for his life, with a Cop’s knee on his neck for about 7 minutes – is going to “help re-elect” Trump.
But let’s NOT kid ourselves. The looting and rioting DOES NOT HELP the Black community. And it most certainly does NOT help bring that POS cop and his accomplices To Justice!!!
It’s just crimes and madness of another kind…..smh!
A few days ago, I wrote: “Check his record. I’d bet there was all kinds of RED FLAGS on that cop long before now…..”
CNN: The Minneapolis police officer who knelt on George Floyd’s neck had 18 previous complaints against him, police department says
The former Minneapolis police officer seen in a video with his knee on George Floyd’s neck had 18 prior complaints filed against him with the Minneapolis Police Department’s Internal Affairs, according to the police department.
It’s unclear what the internal affairs complaints against the officer, Derek Chauvin, were for. MPD did not provide additional details. […] May 29, 2020
Rod Dreher: [No details of those complaints have come out yet. But come on — eighteen complaints? The public has a right to know what those complaints said. Was this a cop with a history of brutality? This stinks to high heaven.
And get this:
‘The Floyd case has put the national spotlight back on Klobuchar’s days as a prosecutor, particularly as it became clear Derek Chauvin, the officer involved in Floyd’s death, was involved in the death of another citizen while Klobuchar was prosecutor.’
I’m not sure how you can blame her for grand juries choosing not to file charges. Fair or not, though, there is no way that she is going to be Joe Biden’s No. 2 after the Floyd killing. As a legal matter, her hands may be clean, but politically, she’s a goner. As a friend put it to me, thinking of Biden’s No. 2, “Stacey Abrams, here we come.” ] – TAC writer, May 29, 2020
I have been following the news to today. Truth I knew you would be on top of commenting more about all this. I am glad they finally arrested that cop but it took way too long. If any one of us had killed somebody they would have arrested us that same day. Prosecutor in Minnesota is going to pay for this lapse in judgment. As for Amy Klobachar she can forget it. Politically it will not work for her.
Trump tweeted about those THUGS in Minnesota which we know is code for black. Then he said once the looting starts the shooting starts. Twitter had to block the tweet because it promotes violence. Then he held a press conference and refused to even talk about what is going on in Minnesota. I am not going to ask what is wrong with him because we already know. He is a racist and he is playing up to his racist base. It is time to stop expecting anything from him because he has shown his colors time and again. This is about to be a important moment for this country.