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George Washington: America’s First President
A lot has been said about George Washington — America’s first president — over the years, but how much of it is fact and how much is fiction?
Current Events
For example, did you know that Washington never had wooden teeth? He actually wore false teeth that were stolen from slaves and forged from sculpted chunks of ivory from elephants, hippos and walruses. Also, the story of chopping down a cherry tree was fictional. Additionally, the thought of him with a white, powdered wig is also false. GW didn’t wear a wig at all. In fact, he was a red-headed ginger.
On this President’s Day, check out more info about America’s first president in the video below.
Don’t forget he also owned slaves as well. People conveniently leave that part of his story out. But then again, they all owned slaves back then.
Thanks for this DJ. We now know that a great deal of “American History” is in actuality Fictional history. Thankfully, we now live in a day and age when WE can learn more about our True American history.
…and Shout Out to Saleem: “Don’t forget he also owned slaves as well. People conveniently leave that part of his story out. But then again, they all owned slaves back then.”
‘A Decision to Free His Slaves’
[Of the 317 slaves at Mount Vernon in 1799, 123 individuals were owned by George Washington and were stipulated in Washington’s will to be freed upon his wife’s death. However, these conditions did not apply to all slaves at Mount Vernon.] – MountVernon.org