The man who shot and killed 17-year-old Florida teenager Trayvon Martin is finally behind bars.
Special Prosecutor Angela Corey held a press conference yesterday to announce that 2nd Degree murder charges have been filed against George Zimmerman, the self-appointed neighborhood watchman who took justice into his own hands on the night he took the life of Trayvon Martin. Now, after marches and protests and petitions made this an international story, the true wheels of justice have finally begun to turn.
“We did not come to this decision lightly,” said Corey, who was assigned to the case by Florida Gov. Rick Scott less than 3 weeks ago. “We do not prosecute by public pressure or by petition.” Regarding the issue of race, she added “We only know one category as prosecutors, and that’s a ‘V.’ It’s not a ‘B,’ it’s not a ‘W,’ it’s not an ‘H.’ It’s ‘V,’ for victim. That’s who we work tirelessly for. And that’s all we know, is justice for our victims.”
Trayvon’s parents, Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin, were overjoyed that their countless hours of hard work and dedication to seek justice for their son had finally paid off. “I say thank you. Thank you, Lord, thank you, Jesus,” Sybrina Fulton said. “I just want to speak from my heart to your heart, because a heart has no color. It’s not black, it’s not white, it’s red.” Tracy Martin added that he promised his son he would not rest until justice prevailed.
Zimmerman, who turned himself in, is being held without bond and will appear in court later today in Seminole County court to determine if he should be released on bond. He is currently represented by a new attorney, Mark O’Mara. If Zimmerman is eventually found guilty of 2nd Degree murder, he faces a sentence of life in prison.
Though I'm pleased to see that he's finally been arrested, I was suprised to hear that he's being charged with 2nd degree murder. Given the charge isn't Manslaughter tells me that the Special Prosecutor's office MUST have a great deal more of significant evidence against Mr. Zimmerman than what's been reported by the media, thus far. And I'm fine with *Us* (the media and the public) NOT knowing everything until which time it's revealed in a Court of Law. This case will also shine a brighter light on the highly contraversial "Stand Your Ground" law, which Zimmerman plans to use as his defense. The NRA-backed law is already in effect in 25 states. Many critics of the law argue that it's a very dangerous law that creates a wild-wild west" enviornment and fosters a "shoot first – ask questions later" mentality. I'll be watching, with great interest, to see how this all plays out in the Court.
MSNBC: "Trayvon Martin's mom says she thinks his killing was an 'accident' "Trayvon Martin’s mother Sybrina Fulton told the TODAY show Thursday that she believes her son’s fatal shooting by George Zimmerman was an accident."I believe it was an accident, I believe that it just got out of control and he couldn’t turn the clock back," she said. "I would ask him, 'Did he know that that was a minor, that that was a teenager and that he did not have a weapon?'” she added. […]Read: http://usnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/04/12/1115…
The Grio: "From Martin To Martin: Hoodies Up On The Mountaintop"Excerpt:We have spent forty four years since the death of a king climbing to the top of the mountain. We have paused along the way. Turned back a few times. Thought we had reached our destination. Pondered if the trip was even worth taking. Questioned who was joining us on our journey. But, for forty four years, we kept going. 'Cause we believed him.We now stand at a moment in our nation's history, forty four years later, where our road forward doesn't seem so clear. Our map towards justice is partly torn. Our path has been partially blocked. We lost another Martin. A loss that shakes the very foundation in which we stand on. A loss that hurts so bad that some of us have lost sight of that mountaintop. Some of us just want Martin back. But this Martin is not an icon or a t-shirt, a campaign slogan or a poster. He is the beautiful son of Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin. Two amazing parents who raised a 17-year-old son who just wanted to watch the game. Damn, I wish he knew.I wish he knew that since his death we have searched for the soul of this nation. We have begun to ask questions that have never been asked. We have challenged each other in ways that we have yet to do. We yearn for a post-racial America. Aspirational. Not a reality. We know that. We still have much work to do. Soul-searching. […]Read: http://globalgrind.com/news/trayvon-martin-martin…
…a Quote for the Day…."It is critically important for the prosecution and the defense to present the fullest explanation of the shooting before an impartial jury. The need for a thorough investigation of Mr. Zimmerman’s conduct has been obvious since the day of the shooting in February." ~NYTimes EditorialRead: "Searching for Justice in Florida"http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/12/opinion/searchi…
UPDATE: Trayvon Martin's mom retracts 'accident' characterization, says Zimmerman killed him in 'cold blood' Read: http://usnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/04/12/1115…Oh boy..smh. I was afraid her earlier comments could prove to be problematic. THIS is what happens when you DON'T have competent legal representation. It seems to me, the minute the Special Prosecutor filed charges against Zimmerman Trayvon's parents should have been advised to STOP. TALKING. No more interviews of ANY kind in order to avoid having their words create problems (SUCH AS HER WORDS THIS MORNING) for the case.
sam cook said it best; its been a long time comin but i know a change is gonna come