George Zimmerman ‘Celebrity Boxing Match’ Canceled!
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George Zimmerman ‘Celebrity Boxing Match’ Canceled!
He killed unarmed 17-year-old teenager Trayvon Martin. Suddenly, George Zimmerman thought that horrific murder made him a bonafide celebrity and qualified him to participate in a “Celebrity Boxing Match.” Now, the promoter of that ill-conceived event has come to his senses and canceled the fight!
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Despite a multitude of threats against his life daily, George Zimmerman concocted the idea to extend his 15 minutes of morbid fame with a celebrity boxing event. Since half the world wanted to whip his ass anyway, Zimmerman thought giving “any black man” (his words) the chance to enter the ring with him and throw a few punches his way — with Zimmerman also making a few bucks in the process — was a novel idea. It was not!
Zimmerman met and befriended Damon Feldman, a self-described opportunist and the owner of Celebrity Boxing, whose claim to fame has been putting together bizarre matchups, including the Tonya Harding and Michael Lohan fights. Feldman fielded offers for someone to step into the ring for a 3-round, Pay-Per-View fight with Zimmerman, eventually selecting rapper DMX to fight Trayvon Martin’s killer. DMX was eager to enter the ring against Zimmerman, saying not only was he prepared to break every rule in boxing, but he couldn’t wait to “beat the living (expletive)” out of Zimmerman.
But over the weekend, Feldman found his conscious, bent to public pressure and canceled the event, saying he finally realized there’s “more to life than money.”
In a Twitter message, Feldman said: “Just looked at my son and daughter today wow I’m so lucky those people must be in so much pain … all you people are right.” Although his use of the phrase “you people” was certainly not the best choice, he was likely referring to the more than 100,000 concerned citizens who signed a Change.org petition asking that the match be stopped.
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In the end, right won out over wrong, as even the suggestion of a “celebrity” boxing match involving George Zimmerman had to be the most asinine, tactless and ludicrous idea in modern history. George Zimmerman is NOT a celebrity. George Zimmerman IS a murderer. Despite his reasons for why he did it or the verdict that acquitted him, George Zimmerman STILL pulled the trigger that murdered a child. Since when do we celebrate murder with a celebrity TV appearance???
Was George Zimmerman right for attempting to turn murder into fame with a “Celebrity Boxing Match,” or was this the most idiotic thing you’d ever heard of?
including cancellation of the planned boxing match between
Trayvon Martin killer George Zimmerman and rapper DMX.