George Zimmerman In Trouble…AGAIN!
When George Zimmerman was given a free pass acquitted this summer in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, you’d think he would have chosen to lay low, stay out of trouble and disappear into oblivion, right? Well, think again.
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Since Zimmerman’s surprise release for killing an unarmed black teenager, he was stopped twice for speeding and photographed buying firearms inside a gun shop (against the wishes of his own attorneys), while grinning like a Cheshire cat. However, his latest escapade takes the cake.
Zimmerman and his wife Shellie have been undergoing marital problems for some time now. Last Thursday, Shellie Zimmerman filed for divorce, which reportedly infuriated George. When Shellie and her father showed up to the couple’s home yesterday to collect her belongings and move her out of the house, all hell broke loose.
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According to police in Lake Mary, Florida, Shellie Zimmerman called 911 around 2pm yesterday and reported that her husband assaulted her father, Colin Morgan, and was waving a gun around and threatening her and her relatives.
In the 911 call, a terrified Shellie Zimmerman told the dispatcher that George punched her father in the nose, then smashed her iPad and cut it with a pocketknife. She also said he was in his car raging, adding “he continually has his hand on his gun and he says step closer…” When Shellie Zimmerman trails off the dispatcher asks “step closer and what?” to which Shellie responds “a step closer and he’d shoot us.”
“I don’t know what he’s capable of. I am really, really scared,” she told the dispatcher.
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When police arrived, Shellie could be heard on the phone saying, “Dad, get behind a car or something. I don’t know if he’s going to start shooting at us or not.”
In a statement to ABC News, Shellie Zimmerman explained that since the acquittal, George Zimmerman has been feeling “invincible” and “making some reckless decisions.” She added that she was not sure she “ever really knew” her husband through their 7 year marriage and she felt she was the victim of verbal abuse by him.
Shellie Zimmerman and her father eventually chose not to press charges, however this episode should be a wake up call to police, to the jury and to America that an extremely dangerous man continues to walk the streets freely. When will justice be served?
Give a child-killer (and headcase) a *pass* ….I mean "acquittal" and he feels embolden to impose his will.
Who knew?! /sarc
Of course that nutjob is continuing to be a problem. Anyone who ISN'T a racist or just plain crazy could have predicted this.
Not *actively wishing harm to this guy mind you. But I can not help but think of the Poetic Justice if he ends being *taken out* (if you will) by his soon to be ex-wife or a member of her family.
This dude. He's looking for trouble and one day he's going to find it. I know we're not supposed to wish bad on anybody, but I can't wait for justice to catch up with him!