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George Zimmerman On The Edge

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Top News Today –
George Zimmerman On The Edge

Is George Zimmerman dangerously unstable and even suicidal?  According to his estranged girlfriend, Samantha Scheibe, yes he is!

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According to Scheibe, Zimmerman has been deeply depressed since being acquitted in July of killing 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.  At one low point, Zimmerman apparently downed an entire bottle of pills then shoved a gun in his mouth and threatened to pull the trigger.
top news today current events racismLife has not been a bowl of cherries for George Zimmerman since a jury allowed him to walk free over the summer for the murder of Martin. Since then, the former neighborhood watchman has had numerous run-ins with the law, including his wife Shellie separating from him after he was charged with physically attacking her father.
Just this week alone, Zimmerman was arrested and jailed for assaulting Scheibe, was served with divorce papers by his estranged wife Shellie and was revealed to be $2.5 million in debt. Add to that the $9000 bail Zimmerman had to post to get out of jail, the ruling from a judge that Zimmerman will no longer be allowed to have access to guns, as well as the impending decision from the U.S. Justice Department on whether or not they will seek a civil rights retrial of Zimmerman in the death of Trayvon Martin, and it’s no wonder he’s unstable.
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When Zimmerman was acquitted over the summer, legions of Americans protested the jury’s decision en masse, decrying that he should have gone to jail.  However, fate may have actually known what it was doing in keeping Zimmerman from being behind bars.
top news today current events racismIn prison, Zimmerman would have received safe housing under special protection.  He would have enjoyed free meals, free health care and basically lived a carefree and safely isolated life.  However, avoiding prison meant Zimmerman was actually sentenced to an even worse fate: a life on the streets and out in the open, which has proven to be pure hell.
For safety, he can’t hold a job to financially support himself.  He can’t take a casual stroll down the street or do regular things like regular people. He can’t even get a good night’s sleep for fear that someone could try to kill him at a moment’s notice. And now, he can’t even own a gun to protect himself.  His wife is divorcing him, his girlfriend has left him and he’s virtually a dead man walking with a bullseye on his back.  It’s a life that’s hell on earth!George Zimmerman is 30-years-old, but it’s very possible he may not live to see 40. If someone doesn’t take his life, he could very well end up taking it himself.




OK WASSUP! follows the top news today,
including the latest news regarding George Zimmerman and his unstable future.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. There is nothing wrong with him. He is just being George Zimmerman. And I do not care if he goes off on his wife or girlfriend. It is scum taking out the scum. And this evil peace of crap will probably take himself out. He is too much of a coward to go in public where someone real can get a hold of him.

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