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George Zimmerman Shot In The Face

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George Zimmerman Shot In The Face

The man responsible for stalking then killing 12-year-old Trayvon Martin in 2012 finally ran out of his unbelievable luck on Monday, when he was shot in the face following an ongoing dispute.

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George Zimmerman sustained minor injuries and was released from a local hospital, after being shot at by Matthew Apperson in Lake Mary, Florida. The 2 men have been feuding for several months and Apperson even called police last year to complain he felt threatened by Zimmerman. What is known is that Zimmerman flagged down a Lake Mary police officer shortly after 1pm Monday to say he was involved in a shooting.  Around the same time, a man by the name of Kenneth Cornell called 911 on behalf of Apperson to say he was the other person involved in the shooting. From there, conflicting versions of the incident have emerged from each of the two men involved.Zimmerman-carAccording to Zimmerman, a driver pulled up behind him on Monday and began flashing his lights, honking his horn and yelling obscenities at him.  Zimmerman recognized the aggressive man as Apperson, who he had a problem with several months ago, so he raised his window to avoid an altercation. That is when Apperson shot at him through Zimmerman’s side window, almost hitting him in the head. Zimmerman said he was hit by shattered glass from the window.

According to Apperson, he did shoot Zimmerman, but only in self defense after Zimmerman waved a gun at him.  He then drove to a nearby business where he encountered Cornell, who was exiting his car after lunch, and shouted: “I shot George Zimmerman, call 911. I don’t have a phone.”  So Cornell called 911.  In a statement to police, Cornell said Apperson told him that he and Zimmerman have had 3 disputes.

Naturally, Zimmerman denied Apperson’s claims via his attorney, Don West. “George absolutely denies pointing a gun, displaying a gun — no aggressive movement toward him at all,” West said. These claims are hard to fathom, since Zimmerman himself has made it publicly known that he and every member of his family sleeps with and carries a gun for protection.

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Police have acknowledged at least 1 previous dispute between Zimmerman and Apperson from September 2014, when Apperson called 911 to say Zimmerman threatened to shoot him dead. Although Apperson said he did not see Zimmerman flash a gun, he was still threatened and worried enough to call police.


Police stopped Zimmerman 2 days later, after Apperson called 911 to say he saw Zimmerman near his office.  In the police report, Zimmerman claimed he was in the area for an appointment. He also admitted being involved in a verbal incident earlier in the week with Apperson, but denied threatening him.

Since being acquitted for the murder of Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman has had numerous run-ins with the law, but has somehow managed to dodge every bullet and prevent himself from going back to jail or coming into personal harm. Following the murder, Zimmerman went into hiding after receiving hundreds of death threats.  Then, after the trial, Zimmerman felt invincible and went back to his regular way of life.  He signed autographs at a local gun show, was stopped multiple times by police for various traffic violations, was arrested after threatening his former father-in-law, was arrested for domestic battery and aggravated assault involving 2 different girlfriends and more.

George Zimmerman is incredibly lucky that the bullet only grazed him and shattered the glass in his car. Perhaps this shooting is a wake up call that next time his luck could completely run out.



OK WASSUP! tracks the top news today, 
including news that George Zimmerman was shot in the face.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. I know it's not right but when I heard about this yesterday I was a little happy about it. For killing a unarmed teen and for all the trouble he caused since then, I don't want this man to have a moments peace. One day he's going to run into the wrong person and it's not going to be good for him.

  2. UPDATE: Ironically, the man who shot George Zimmerman will utilize Florida's STAND YOUR GROUND law if he is charged.

    As per Sunny HostIn of CNN:

    “I think what’s remarkable is that we are now talking about 5 incidents, 3 domestic violence incidents, 2 road rage incidents that have been reported, and all of them involving allegations of George Zimmerman brandishing a gun,” CNN analyst Sunny Hostin told Anderson Cooper Monday night.

    “That is an aggressive action. He seems to say every time he’s the victim, he’s on the receiving end. It calls into question certainly his credibility, his state of mind. What is going on with George Zimmerman?”

    “And I think what is also going to be quite ironic, Anderson,” she continued, “is if this shooter is charged with aggravated assault or attempted murder, his defense will be that he was standing his ground against George Zimmerman because he feared for his life because George Zimmerman was brandishing a gun. It is just ironic at the very, very best.”

    My recent post Delaware Cop Arrested For Kicking Black Man's Face

  3. All this asshole had to do was hide out somewhere or leave the country. Instead he gets into scuff ups every other month. He deserves whatever's coming to him.

  4. Update: "Shooter Was Fixated on George Zimmerman, Police Report Says"

    ABC News:
    The Lake Mary Police Department report said that 36-year-old Matthew Apperson had shown signs of paranoia, anxiety and bipolar disorder."

    As per police reports, Apperson has now been "admitted to mental institution."

    I can't hlep but think….how fitting that the hunter (Zimmerman) has now become the hunted. Just as Zimmerman (a headcase) stalked Trayvon Martin, now it seems that Zimmerman is being stalked by Apperson (a headcase).

    No Justice. No Peace.

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