Comments on: George Zimmerman Speaks News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Sun, 31 May 2015 08:59:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr. BD Tue, 18 Feb 2014 15:51:46 +0000 I watched the whole interview online and got pissed. Enough with this fool already. I hope he gets what he has coming to him real soon!

By: Steven Tue, 18 Feb 2014 14:53:08 +0000 I am very disgusted how this trash is parade around as a hero. No, he is not sorry he killed this child. He has no regrets. The police told him to leave this kid alone. You choose to chase and kill to make your point. I believe nothing his trash says. I don't know how this kids father takes it but you could not be running around playing while my life blood has been erased from this earth.

I couldn't listen to this garbage, it is too much and I just can't listen.
