Comments on: George Zimmerman Is At It Again! News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 09 May 2018 07:38:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr.BD Tue, 08 May 2018 16:58:49 +0000 Oh no is this fool back in the news again? I know it’s wrong but I don’t care anymore. Somebody please take this fool out of his misery so the world can be happy.

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 08 May 2018 15:54:35 +0000 On a somewhat related note….

I just received a heads-up from someone to check out the new music video (song) by Childish Gambino (real name Donald Glover Jr.)

Gambino is the creator of the American comedy/drama TV series “Atlanta.” He also serves as one of the writers and director of the show. – Wikipedia

DJ probably knows Gambino and has already seen his new video.

His song is titled “This Is America.” The video-message will literally blow you away.

We must “Stay Woke!”

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 08 May 2018 13:11:33 +0000 I’d like to also add…..

A few years ago a dear friend of mine reached out to me in utter desperation as she agonized over the fact that -despite all of her professional success – for some reason she could NOT find love. Could not find peace. And she pleaded with me to give her my honest opinion as to as to what thought was the real problem?

My response to her was as follows:

First: Knowing what you know about yourself would You date You? And most importantly….

No matter where You go, and what You do in life, You’ll ALWAYS take YOU with you.

Zimmerman is stuck with himself – ain’t NO escaping that fact or hellish existence.

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 08 May 2018 12:41:01 +0000 DJ, if I may please borrow your last paragraph and modify it just a little to reflect my own thoughts on this pathetic and dangerous lost soul

“George Zimmerman may be living life on the streets as a free man”…BUT he will NEVER truly be free. “He realizes that karma is undefeated and is coming for his ass. AND “he will learn the hard way that his bad-boy approach to life comes with an enormous price tag.”

Thanks DJ.
