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Georgia Approves Confederate Flag License Plates

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Georgia Approves Confederate Flag License Plates
Despite its controversial and divisive history and despite heavy push back from local and national civil rights leaders, the State of Georgia has decided to release a new specialty license plate featuring the Confederate flag.

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The debate is not a new one.  Many believe the flag represents a racially charged symbol of oppression, while others believe the flag honors Confederate heritage. However, Georgia officials have obviously taken sides and turned a deaf ear to anyone who feels offended by the oppression and racism the flag historically represents.

The Southern Christian Leadership Conference represents a large contingency of those who are offended. “To display this is reprehensible,” SCLC spokesman Maynard Eaton said. “We don’t have license plates saying ‘Black Power.’ “

current events racism fox newsBut the Georgia Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans have a different viewpoint and are actually responsible for requesting that the state issue the new plates.

“We believe that everyone has the right to preserve their heritage,” Spokesman Ray McBerry said, pointing out that the group meant no offense and views the plates as a way for people to honor their heritage. “Southerners have as much right to be proud of their heritage as anybody else.”

Interestingly, Gov. Nathan Deal said the new tag was a total surprise to him. “I had no information in advance about it,” he said.

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The specialty plate features a Confederate battle flag image in the background, as well as a logo of the Sons of Confederate veterans and a smaller version of the stars and bars.  North Carolina, Alabama and Mississippi all have specialty license plates honoring the confederacy, but the State of Texas rejected such a plate, recognizing that it would offend many residents. The Texas Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans sued board members of the Texas motor vehicle agency, and the case remains in the courts.

Is the State of Georgia doing the right thing by issuing plates they say honor their heritage, or would they have been wise to avoid opening such a controversial and old wound?

OK WASSUP! discusses the current events of the day, 
including the controversial decision by the State of Georgia 
to issue a Confederate license plate.
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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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"Southerners have as much right to be proud of their heritage as anybody else."

The sad truth is, most WHITE Southerners probably ARE very proud of their RACIST heritage..especially older white southerners, who are among the most faithful Republican base.

For me the bigger question is…

What's it gonna take for Blacks to WAKE-UP and become more active in voting in local and state-wide elections, regardless of what part of the country they live in?..but in particular, in the South?

When common-sense Americans don't vote, it leaves the door WIDE-OPEN for Racists, ignoramuses, Kooks and brazen opportunists to get elected.

And then all manner of BS gets proposed and passed into law….smh.


This is nothing but a symbol of racism. It is embraced by the old whites and the young whites.

They don't care what the black people want and many black people are foolishly ignore or signing on to this bs about this flag being a symbol of southern heritage. What is not understood by black people this flag is a message to you and only a sign of things to come.

The interesting part is that this flag is flown on homes and painted on trucks all across this country. You would be surprised how many northerners fly this flag and many never lived in the south.

This flag is a symbol of white power and the times when whites were in stricker control and it is their message to you that they are trying to regain control.

Black people had better open their eyes.


I think this what Steven and Truthizz is spot on, Racism is not culture and should not be embraced as history. It's pretty sad that manye in our society still hold on to such gross and backwards ideology. We have to make sure that we teach our children that symbol is wrong and the real sad history about it.

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