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Not only does Newt Gingrich have a sordid past with women, but he also has a known history of playing hard ball politics.  Which makes the next trick up his sleeve a predictable round of sneakiness.

Skipping ahead of such unnecessary formalities as the primary voting process and the Republican convention, Newt already fancies himself the winner of the GOP nomination for president.  So he is fast at work preparing for his run against Barack Obama, with the intent to bait the president into a political game of chicken.  Hmmm…

Gingrich says he will challenge the president to a series of 3 hour debates without a moderator, in the spirit of the old Lincoln-Douglas style.  Gingrich believes he is a master debater who will easily have his way with Mr. Obama (think again).  But should the president decline the challenge (as expected), Newt says he will follow Mr. Obama around from city to city, campaign stop to campaign stop, with supporters in tow, to repeat the challenge and hopefully bait him into his political web.

Um… you’ll have to secure the nomination first Newt, before you can attempt to go tow to tow with the President of the United States!

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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"So he is fast at work preparing for his run against Barack Obama, with the intent to bait the President into a political game of chicken."LOl…Yeah. Okay Newt. Good luck with trying to bait the President..smh. Leave it to Newt Leroy. As someone described: "a stupid man's idea of what a smart man sounds like." Best ole Newt continue working on trying to secure the GOP nomination FIRST (he appears to have his hands full with THAT task right now) before entertaining any thoughts of challenging the President, who is quite prepared to take on WHOEVER the *Know-Nothing* party nominates.    


Oh dear. Whoever said that Newt is "a stupid man's idea of what a smart man sounds like" really nailed it.Desmoine Register: "Newt Gingrich to gay Iowan: Vote for Obama"Excerpt:Newt Gingrich told a gay man and longtime resident of Oskaloosa here today that he should vote for President Obama.“I asked him if he’s elected, how does he plan to engage gay Americans. How are we to support him? And he told me to support Obama,” said Scott Arnold, an associate professor of writing at William Penn University.”Arnold, a Democrat, said he came to the event at Smokey Row coffee house with an open mind. But he wanted to ask Gingrich about how he would represent him as president after reading past comments the former U.S. House Speaker as made about gay and lesbians.“When you ask somebody a question and you expect them to support all Americans and have everyone’s general interest,” Arnold… Read more »


Just heard on CNN that Ron Paul is now in the lead in Iowa. LOL this whole race for Republicans is one great big joke. Maybe Newt Gingrich could use that vote from the gay guy afterall. HAHAHA


And the folks in N.H. are now reporting that Ron Paul has been gradually gaining some real traction in that state as well.The right-wing blogosphere is beginning to spaZ. Rigth-wing commenters_most of who are afflicted with "Obama Hater Syndrome," (OHS)_are beginning to sense that their plan to "DESTROY" President Obama may NOT come to fruition, afterall.     And in related news: You know all 4 wheels are completely coming off the GOP's clown car when the WSJ writes and editorial saying the Repubs are blowing it big time…HAH. WSJ: "The GOP's Payroll Tax Fiasco""How did Republicans manage to lose the tax issue to Obama?" Read:

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