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The fall from grace several days ago of Herman Cain has transformed into excellent news for one former bottom tier candidate.

Frantically seeking out a new candidate to support once their guy was accused of improper conduct with women, including a 13 year extra-marital affair, former Herman Cain supporters have been flocking to none other than — wait for it — Newt Gingrich!  Oh, the irony!

Yes, Newt Gingrich.  Conservatives who were turned off by the allegations of Cain having one extra-marital affair, are now finding solace in the arms of a man who admittedly had THREE extra-marital affairs, including one with his current wife while his former wife lay battling cancer in a hospital???  This is too funny!

If anyone doubted that the Republican Party was in deep disarray, look no further for proof than the surge of Newt Gingrich.  The man who was once in single digits among the polls;  the man whose entire campaign staff quit on him due to his complete and utter lack of campaign discipline; the man who chose to vacation with his wife in Greece instead of responsibly campaign for president like all the other candidates; the man who was once run out of Washington for ethics voilations while Speaker of the House… THIS is the man who could legitimately land the Republican nomination.

Republicans are so hell-bent on not giving the nomination to Mitt Romney, that they’re willing to risk it all on a has-been like Gingrich.  And the former Cain supporters are the ones now providing him the most support.  For months, the White House has been under the impression that Republicans would toy with a variety of candidates, then come to their senses and (reluctantly) hand Romney the nomination.  But in recent days, they have been giving serious consideration to the possibility of Gingrich snagging the grand prize.  And that could make for a rather interesting 2012.

What is it about Newt Gingrich that is so appealing all of a sudden?  For one, he appears to be the most conservative among the bunch — saying and doing whatever is necessary to appease all the right-wing’ers of his party.  But also, Newt’s sordid past is actually working in his favor now.  The allegations against Herman Cain were shocking simply because they were new.  But the dirty deeds of Newt Gingrich are old news, with specific details of his affairs long forgotten.  So there’s nothing negative about Newt that isn’t already common knowledge — and he’s counting on voter amnesia to ride a wave of success all the way to the Republican convention.

Will Newt Gingrich actually end up winning the Republican nomination for president?  Will Republicans get past the fact he’s a Mormon and nominate Mitt Romney?  Or could some surprise GOP candidate emerge at the 11th hour and catch everyone off guard? Stay tuned…

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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<span>"THIS is the man who could legitimately land the Republican nomination.'   I…ain't it a hoot!?!   "Republicans are so hell-bent on not giving the nomination to Mitt Romney, that they're willing to risk it all on a has-been like Gingrich."   Yep. They seem pretty darn ready AND willing to burn the whole house down (what's left of the GOP) to keep Mitt from getting the nomination.    The truth is: the Repub *establishment* and the news MEDIA have done Mitt NO favors at all..smh. It seems the more they've pushed that ridicules narrative "Romney the inevitable nominee", the angrier and angrier the GOP *base* gets_and the more determined they are to defeat Mitt.     "Will Newt Gingrich actually end up winning the Republican nomination for president?"   It depends. I'd say, as of right now, he has a pretty good shot at it. However, if he should commit some NEW self-destructive act, his *Fall* will be quick. But word to the pundit-idiots: the majority of GOP base voters… Read more »


Hmm….It appears Newt may have already gotten himself into a bit of a PR jam by foolishly accepting an invitation to participate in a debate hosted by ION/NewsMax and moderated by non other than that "professional flim flam man who's novelty as a reality tv star is doing a dead on parody of himself as a self absorbed businessman with bad hair"…Donald Trump.The debate is scheduled to take place Dec 27th (5 days before the Iowa caucas Jan 3rd) and as I've already mentioned, Newt is all in. So is Santorum. No word as of yet from Perry or Bachmann.Hunstman and Ron Paul wasted no time in declining the invite several days ago. They denounced the event for the obvious reason: Such a carnival show is beneath the dignity of anyone aspiring to be found fit to serve in the highest office of the land.    Most of the so-called *Conservative* intelligentsia wasted no time in publicly denouncing the event citing the same reason. Romney just got around to… Read more »


Quote"Republicans are sometimes thought of as the party of the establishment. But the party’s leadership has spent much of the last three decades cultivating distrust (to say nothing of Fear and Anger) among its rank and file about the legitimacy of these institutions, particularly the government and the news media. This may have contributed to the party’s electoral successes. But it’s also possible that Republican elites have neutered their ability to influence how voters decide on a candidate. If so, they may end up with Mr. Gingrich rather than Mr. Romney."    ~ Nate Silvers Thurs. Dec. 8, 2011The Republican *establishment* is in a major panic and they should be. They backed a the political equivalent of a schnauzer (Romney) while GOP base voters want (and believe that Gingrinch is) a Pitbull. The more the Repub *establishment* shoots their mouths off in an effort to "bring down Newt," the more support he seems to get from GOP base… Read more »

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