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As of today, Mitt Romney maintains a double digit lead above his GOP counterparts in this Saturday’s South Carolina primary. That’s pretty poor news for his remaining rivals, who were each hoping evangelical Christians would turn the race in their favor through the bible belt south. But with that plan seeming to unravel, Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich just may have a Plan B up their sleeve.

Gingrich and Santorum recognize they are splitting the conservative vote, which is playing directly into the hands of Mitt Romney in his “divide-and-conquer” master plan for the nomination.  So, word in political circles is that the 2 men may be considering a bold move to stop Romney in his tracks — merge their campaigns!

Here’s how it would work:  either Gingrich or Santorum would drop out of the race, but then throw their full support to the remaining man (not named Perry or Paul), who could then take on Romney head to head. With Rick Perry and Ron Paul left as the only alternatives, conservatives and evangelicals would have no choice but to collectively fall in line in order to defeat Romney.  Conservatives are so hell-bent on getting Romney out of the way and Obama out of the White House, they’re at the end of their rope and ready to try almost anything.

If true, it’s an interesting plan.  But would it work?

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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<span><span><span>If true, will it work? I don't know (?)           From everthing I've seen and heard coming from Gingrich and Santorum they don't like each other. But that doesn't mean their dislike for one another is greater than their total distain for Romney.            Here's what I think: Given the troubling signs of Romney's campaign, which are becoming MORE apparent every day, Romney may be *UNDOING* himself(?)           1. Multiple foot-in-mouth Verbal gaffes (i,e., "I like firing people" etc) </span>    <span>2. His disastrous interview on Faux News     3. somewhat WEAK debate performances during recent debates      4. his ongoing REFUSAL to release his income-tax information…which, btw has been the tradition started by Romney's OWN father.             Added to all that: </span><span>Newt is gonna continue pounding Romney every chance he gets. Palin is now weighing in, saying if she was in S.C. she'd vote for Newt to keep the "vetting process going." And now the word IS that </span><span>Santorum… Read more »


In related news…. 1. "Romney Admits His Tax Rate Is About 15 Percent, Lower Than Many Middle Class Families" Video:  2. "Romney-Endorser Chris Christie: ‘I Would Urge’ Romney To Release His Tax Returns" Defying 50 years of precedent set by presidential candidates from both parties, Mitt Romney has so far refused to release his income tax returns, despite calls from the other GOP candidates to do so. Yesterday, he admitted that his effective tax rate is probably <span>about 15 percent</span> — much lower than that of many middle-class families — and said he will probably release his returns in April if he wins the nomination, but <span>only for 2011</span>, which could allow him to hide any embarrassing tax shelters or income sources from previous years. Now it seems even Romney’s supporters are uncomfortable with his evasiveness on his tax returns. On MSNBC’s Morning Joe today, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R), one of Romney’s most prominent… Read more »

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