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GMA’s Robin Roberts Comes Out

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GMA Host Robin Roberts Comes Out
In an end of 2013 post on Facebook, “Good Morning America” host Robin Roberts publicly confirmed what friends and co-workers have known for many years — she is gay.

e Entertainment
The 53-year-old Roberts has been very public about her battle with breast cancer, the death of her mother and the bone marrow donation she received from her sister.  However, she kept her personal life very private, until now.

This past Sunday, Roberts posted the following message on her Facebook page:

“At this moment I am at peace and filled with joy and gratitude. I am grateful to God, my doctors and nurses for my restored good health. I am grateful for my sister, Sally-Ann, for being my donor and giving me the gift of life. I am grateful for my entire family, my long time girlfriend, Amber, and friends as we prepare to celebrate a glorious new year together. I am grateful for the many prayers and well wishes for my recovery. I return every one of them to you 100 fold. On this last Sunday of 2013 I encourage you to reflect on what you are grateful for too.”

e Entertainment
According to People magazine, Roberts’ long time love is Amber Laign, a licensed massage therapist from San Francisco whom she met through mutual friends over a decade ago.  They are said to have been living together in New York City in a committed relationship for the past 10 years.

Congratulations to Robin Roberts.  In this new year of 2014, she is able to live her truth with love and support.

OK WASSUP! follows the latest e Entertainment news, 
including the recent Facebook post from “Good Morning America” 
host Robin Roberts that she is gay.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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