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A National Journal poll of top GOP political insiders and strategists finds that Republicans believe former Vice President Dick Cheney has hurt the party since leaving office, and that his recent media blitz is more about helping salvage his own image than that of the party. Of 100 insiders polled, 57 percent believe Cheney has hurt the party while only 33 percent believe he has helped. And for a party struggling to find a new identity by turning the page from its tumultuous past, an unpopular reminder like Dick Cheney popping up several times a week on TV is the last thing the GOP needs. Republicans are anonymously speaking up and gave the National Journal poll these quotes:
“Anything that reminds the public of the Bush administration harms the party’s ability to turn the page. If he’d had any concern for his public image when he was in office, he wouldn’t have to worry as much about defending his reputation now.”
“There is nothing Dick Cheney can say or do to help the Republican Party today. The best thing he can do is disappear for the next 10 years.”
“Let’s face it: The guy doesn’t know anything about winning elections outside of Wyoming.”
“Not even a close call. With Cheney out there, Obama doesn’t even need to remind the American people about the mess that was the Bush years.”
“Cheney represents the grumpy intolerance that has come to characterize the GOP. Get off the stage!”
The Washington Examiner_ Mon. 5-18-09:"Huntsman strategist: If Palin, Limbaugh and Cheney dominate, GOP 'headed for a blowout' in 2012" (By Byron York – Chief Political Correspondent)The Republican strategist who helped Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman prepare for a possible presidential run says the Republican party is in for a devastating defeat if its guiding lights are Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh and Dick Cheney:"If it's 2012 and our party is defined by Palin and Limbaugh and Cheney, then we're headed for a blowout," says strategist John Weaver, who advised Huntsman and was for years a close adviser to Sen. John McCain. "That's just the truth."In March, Huntsman held a fundraiser for McMaster in Utah, the kind of you-help-me-I'll-help-you arrangement that is key for a potential presidential candidate looking to build support in early primary states. Now, Huntsman's decision to accept the president's invitation to serve as ambassador to China effectively means he is out of the 2012 contest. "President Obama is smart to try to get him out of play, because he's the real thing," says Quinn. Full story: <a href="http://www.washingtonexaminer.comhttp://www.washingtonexaminer.com<br />Hat-Tip: David Frum- TheNewMajority.comIn short: Moderate Republicans (like Huntsman) who demonstrate “Real” leadership potential:1. Sees the handwriting on the wall for the GOP with the party's "stay the LOSING course" strategy.2. Are critical-THINKERS and aren’t inclined to rule the “kingdom of irrelevance’ along with the rest of the Party. There can be no greater gift to the Dems and the future of America than for Cheney, Limbaugh, Palin, Newt and their ilk to KEEP TALKING, alienating_and OFFENDING_the majority of American voters.