Comments on: GO VOTE!!! News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:54:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: jatomlinson Wed, 07 Nov 2012 19:59:21 +0000 I voted! We do our ballots by mail or dropping them off. It was easy, but we don't live in one of those battleground states. Watched the election last night and it was close!
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By: Truthizz Tue, 06 Nov 2012 17:05:09 +0000 Just an fyi…..

"Chrysler gives workers day off to vote"

The car company that attacked Mitt Romney for falsely claiming it was moving operations overseas is going a step further, ostensibly for President Obama.

Chrysler's vice president of design, Ralph Gilles, tweeted Tuesday that the company gave its entire work force the day off to vote. "Let's go!" he wrote.

UAW has been a stalwart supporter of the president and Obama has campaigned heavily on his decision to bail out the auto industry, particularly in the critical swing state of Ohio, where one in eight jobs depends on the industry. […..]


By: Mr. BD Tue, 06 Nov 2012 14:43:52 +0000 DJ if this doesn't get people out to vote nothing will. I agree with Truth, that image is emotional and says it alll. The video of Mrs. Harris was powerful too. Just so you know, I voted this morning before work. I think it's gonna be a good night.

By: Truthizz Tue, 06 Nov 2012 12:59:15 +0000 First: That picture says it all DJ. Powerful image. ….and THAT is why I vote! (btw: I was the first one in line at my polling place this morning 🙂

Second: The video is beautiful. Very inspirational.

More of our Black youths needs to learn about what was sacrificed by our ancestors just for Us to have the *Right* to vote.
