
Golfer In Chief Donald Trump Is A Hypocrite

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Golfer In Chief
Golfer In Chief Donald Trump

Politics –
Golfer In Chief
Donald Trump Is A Hypocrite

Donald Trump is a hypocrite!

During the 2016 presidential election, he told the world Hillary Clinton couldn’t be an effective president if she had the dark cloud of an active investigation (Benghazi/emails) over her head. Now, HE’S the one with the active investigation, as the FBI looks into possible Trump campaign collusion with Russian over election tampering.


Golfer In Chief


Donald Trump frequently blamed former President Obama for costing taxpayers too much money by taking several date-night trips with his wife to New York. Now, it’s HIM who’s costing taxpayers a mint, with “The Donald” living in Washington and his wife, Melania, still living in New York’s Trump Tower (at a cost of millions per day for Secret Service protection in BOTH locations).

Several years ago, Trump prodded Barack Obama to show his birth certificate, yet Trump won’t show his taxes. He also prodded Mr. Obama for taking too many golf trips during his presidency. Now, HE is the one being called Golfer In Chief, after spending every single weekend for months being a golfer at his Florida Mar-a-Lago estate.


Golfer In Chief


When asked by the press how Trump could be so critical of Mr. Obama for taking a mere handful of golfing trips when he has golfed every weekend since his inauguration, White House spokesman Sean Spicer was characteristically cryptic. Spicer claimed that Trump wasn’t really “playing” golf, but was actually conducting diplomacy while on the golf course.  Yeah, right!

It just doesn’t get any more entertaining than that.




OK WASSUP! discusses politics:
Golfer In Chief Trump is a hypocrite.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Well of course he's a "Hypocrite" DJ. Why he wouldn't BE "Donald J. Trump" if he wasn't a "Hypocrite."

    I contend that that's one of the main character defects his supporters admire most about the guy.

    Yes Sirree. It's right up there with his other notable qualities- LYING, deflecting, projecting, Scapegoating and peddling pure BS, 24/7.

    All in service of satisfying Himself and that "dark, inaccessible part of {his} personality." His id.


  2. BREAKING News: "TrumpCare Is Dead"

    H/T: CNN, HuffPost, MSNBC ….

    Which means – as of about 3:30 PM (EST) this afternoon Trump is also now officially a "LOSER."

    LGF Reader:
    Short of a bill requiring everyone to have herpes, I can’t really imagine how hard you have to try to come up with a bill that only gets 17% favorability among voters.

    Granted, some of the opposition might be made up of members of the crazification factor who think it doesn’t go far enough, but when you’re literally at 3 out of 20, that’s a level of incompetence that actually requires the mindset of “let’s see how bad we can make this.” It’s like playing Civilization and deciding, I’m just going to invade everyone just to see what happens. […]

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